
1. **健胃与胃**:霍香具有入脾、胃、肺三经的功效,性温味辛,能够清热解毒。其所含挥发油能有效促进胃液分泌,提高胃部消化蠕动功能,对胃酸胃疼、湿阻脾胃、脘腹胀满等症状有改善作用。

2. **抗菌抑菌**:霍香对金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎双球菌、大肠杆菌、甲型溶血性链球菌等多种细菌有抑制作用,对结肠炎、肺炎等炎症性疾病有辅助治疗作用。


3. **散风风寒**:霍香具有祛风散寒的作用,适用于外感风寒、内伤生冷湿滞、恶寒发热、头痛吐泻等症状。


4. **强化免疫**:霍香中含有甲基胡椒酚和茴香脑等有效成分,能够促进白细胞数量上升,提高免疫力,对放化疗后的辅助治疗有一定效果。

5. **芳香化湿**:霍香能够芳化湿浊,用于湿阻中焦证,如脘腹胀满、食欲不振、恶心呕吐等。

6. **解暑发表**:霍香性温而不燥,适用于暑湿证及湿温初起,如恶寒发热、头痛、脘痞、呕恶泄泻等。

7. **止呕**:霍香具有和中止呕的功效,适用于湿浊中阻所致的呕吐,常与半夏等药物配伍。

8. **调理肠胃**:霍香有调理肠胃的作用,对食欲不振、腹痛、腹泻等症状有一定的缓解作用。

9. **抗菌消炎**:霍香能抗菌消炎,对于外感表征、女性外阴瘙痒等有一定疗效。

10. **治疗眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋**:适量服用霍香有助于治疗眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋等症状。



### 图解 1:丁香基本信息
– **名称**:丁香(又称鸡舌香、土木香)
– **性味**:辛、温
– **归经**:脾、胃、肺、肾经

### 图解 2:丁香主要功效
1. **温中散寒**:
– 治疗胃寒呕吐、腹痛腹泻等症状。


2. **行气止痛**:
– 缓解胸闷、腹胀、女性痛经等症状。

3. **温肾助阳**:


– 治疗阳痿、早泄等肾阳虚弱的表现。

4. **促进血液循环**:
– 缓解手脚冰凉、痛经等症状。

5. **抗菌消炎**:
– 用于口腔科治疗,如防治牙痛、口腔溃疡、口臭。

6. **缓解呼吸系统疾病**:
– 通过丁香水净化空气,增强身体抗病能力。

### 图解 3:丁香临床应用
1. **治疗脾胃虚寒**:
– 配伍半夏、生姜等。

2. **治疗脘腹冷痛**:
– 配伍小茴香、高良姜等。

3. **治疗肾虚阳痿、宫冷**:
– 配伍淫羊藿、巴戟天、附子等。

### 图解 4:丁香注意事项
– **禁忌**:不宜与中药郁金同用。
– **饮食**:服用期间避免食用生冷、油腻、刺激性食物。




1. 增强清热燥湿功效:

2. 提高解毒作用:

3. 减少刺激性:

4. 保持药效稳定:

5. 增强健脾作用:

6. 降低毒性:

– 增强清热燥湿、解毒作用;
– 降低刺激性,提高患者舒适度;
– 保持药效稳定;
– 增强健脾作用;
– 降低毒性。




1. **健脾止泻**:红豆、薏米和茯苓都具有健脾的作用,能够帮助改善脾胃虚弱引起的消化不良、食少纳呆等症状。

2. **利水消肿**:红豆和薏米都具有利水消肿的功效,能够帮助身体排出多余水分,适用于身体水肿、小便不利等情况。

3. **清热解毒**:红豆薏米茯苓茶可以清热解毒,适用于口燥咽干、便秘尿黄、口舌生疮等病症。

4. **改善睡眠质量**:红豆薏米茯苓茶中的卵磷脂和蛋白酶等成分,能够作用于神经系统,调节情绪,有助于改善睡眠质量。

5. **美容养颜**:薏米含有丰富的维生素E,具有抗氧化作用,能帮助清除自由基,减少和预防色斑生成;红豆含有铁离子,有助于补气血,使皮肤红润。



6. **辅助预防心血管疾病**:红豆薏米茯苓茶中的成分有助于调节体内水分,对于预防心血管疾病有一定的辅助作用。


7. **消肿解毒**:红豆薏米茯苓茶中的药物成分能刺激肠道蠕动,加快体内毒素排出,具有消肿解毒作用。

8. **养血散血消肿**:红豆薏米茯苓茶有养血散血消肿的作用,适用于一些因血液问题引起的水肿。


– 脾胃虚寒者:大量食用可能会加重腹泻症状。
– 糖尿病患者:茯苓含有淀粉,过多食用可能导致血糖升高。
– 尿频者:茯苓具有较好的利尿作用,尿频者应避免食用。




1. **美白肌肤**:土豆含有丰富的维生素C,可以抑制黑色素的形成,从而具有美白肌肤的作用。将新鲜土豆汁直接涂敷于面部,可以显著增白皮肤。

2. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:土豆中含有多种B族维生素和泛酸,这些成分有助于抗衰老,减少皱纹的形成,使皮肤更加紧致有弹性。



3. **保湿与滋润**:土豆中的淀粉和维生素成分能够帮助肌肤锁住水分,减少水分流失,使肌肤保持水润状态。

4. **抗炎与消炎**:土豆具有抗炎和消炎的作用,对于因晒伤、晒黑或皮肤发炎导致的皮肤问题,土豆汁或土豆片敷脸有良好的缓解效果。

5. **改善肤质**:土豆汁可以吸附脸部肌肤的油脂,对于油性皮肤特别适宜,可以用来做面膜,改善肤质。

6. **消除黑眼圈**:土豆具有摄取身体多余热量的作用,可以消除皮肤的发热感,使发热皮肤平稳,同时排出毛孔内积存的废物,去除褐斑。

7. **减轻面部浮肿**:将新鲜土豆切薄片敷于眼部,可以减轻面部浮肿,改善眼部血液循环。

8. **抗疲劳与提神**:土豆中含有一定量的钾元素,有助于身体电解质平衡,减少疲劳感,提神醒脑。

9. **辅助减肥**:土豆低脂肪、高纤维,是减肥期间的健康主食选择,有助于减少脂肪摄入,代谢多余脂肪。

10. **改善消化**:土豆中的木质素有助于消化,可以促进肠胃蠕动,预防便秘。



### 大蒜的益处:

1. **抗菌消炎**:大蒜含有的大蒜素具有强烈的抗菌作用,可以有效抑制多种细菌和病毒,如葡萄球菌、链球菌等。
2. **增强免疫力**:大蒜中的硫化合物能增强人体免疫力,对抗感冒和其他感染性疾病。


3. **降低血脂和血压**:大蒜中的硫化物可以促进血管扩张,改善血液循环,有助于降低血压和血脂。
4. **抗癌作用**:大蒜具有阻断致癌物质形成、预防细胞癌变和阻止癌细胞扩散的功效。
5. **促进消化**:大蒜可以刺激胃液分泌,帮助消化,缓解消化不良和胃酸倒流等问题。


### 白醋的益处:

1. **促进消化**:白醋能够帮助改善胃酸平衡,促进食物的消化和吸收。
2. **降低血压**:白醋中的乙酸有助于降低血压和改善心血管健康。
3. **抗菌作用**:白醋具有抗菌和抗真菌的能力,有助于预防感染和疾病。
4. **增强免疫力**:白醋中的成分能增强免疫系统的功能,抵抗多种病原体。


### 大蒜与白醋结合的益处:

1. **协同抗菌**:大蒜和白醋结合使用,可以发挥其抗菌作用的协同效应,更有效地对抗细菌和病毒。
2. **改善心血管健康**:大蒜和白醋共同作用,有助于降低血压和血脂,预防心血管疾病。
3. **促进消化吸收**:两者结合有助于改善消化系统,促进营养物质的吸收。
4. **抗氧化**:大蒜和白醋中的成分都具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老和预防疾病。

### 注意事项:


The fracture sounded very frightening.

Tang Ziyi’s shoulder was smashed by a bald monk and his whole arm could not move.
"Hey, hey, you still dare to talk to your little lover in the siege of my three people?"
Bald monk strange smile at first more sharp.
Tang Ziyi was hit hard by middle-aged Taoist priests, and his strength was greatly reduced. He was stretched by the siege of three people.
Now it’s been abandoned by a bald monk, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous, and life is hanging by a thread!
Su Mo took one look at Tang Ziyi and looked back at Yunting lightly. "I’m sorry you can’t win."
Chapter two thousand and one Yuan Shen Ning Jian
For Su Mo, it is the simplest direct solution to violence to urge the blood to sacrifice the blood vision, and Yun Ting’s hard shake is natural.
Moreover, he believes that Yun Ting’s blood sword vision can definitely be defeated with the blessing of the avatar of Six Teeth.
But it is only to defeat.
Su Mo was not sure to kill a county king.
Because he doesn’t know how many cards and treasures Yun Ting still has.
If the law kills Yun Ting’s Chenghua violet, it will be exposed
Su Mo Yun Ting’s contact time is not long. Throughout this person, although he is proud and conceited, he is still open and aboveboard from the end, and there is no cruel and complicated mind.
But Sumo dare not gamble!
No one knows better than him how to kill the violet once it is exposed.
The scene of soaring still often appears in his mind, and it is still a little scary to think of it today.
An accident violet attracts not only the cloud king, but also other fairy kings!
Su Mo can’t afford to rob and kill again like this now.
Of course, even if he doesn’t release the blood vision, he has other means!
This means more intense and violent!
Su Mo’s eyes twinkled between the eyes and generate showed a terrible fluctuation of knowledge.
"Did the Yuan God attack?"
Yun Ting sensed an abnormal instant and guessed Su Mo’s mind.
But he didn’t put it in his heart. He shook his head slightly and said, "It’s a good idea to want to move the occult arts of the Yuan God, but you are still naive."
"I have long sensed that your Yuanshen realm has reached the fairy level, but you may not know that my Yuanshen realm has already broken through to the fairy level!"
As soon as the voice fell, Yun Ting stopped hiding and slowly exuded a huge god’s knowledge and coercion
The land is double!
Yuan Shen is the most difficult to cultivate.
It is almost impossible for the Yuan God to cultivate himself in the world.

Lying inside, the blue man suddenly opened his eyes!

It was Su Mo who rose from the dead in the tomb of the Emperor!
This feeling is so wonderful that it is beyond words.
He has fallen, but now he has come back from the dead in the grave of the emperor!
Moreover, everything he saw and experienced in hell is still vivid and memorable.
The six great divisions in the wheel of karma brought him that kind of shock that he will never forget.
Black and white devils in the underworld often live and die, judges, five ghosts, emperors and budao Zun …
There are also all kinds of unimaginable encounters that Wu Daozun experienced in the underworld, and these memories have already overlapped with him.
These things can never be an illusion!
Su Mo felt like she had a long dream after a sleep, and now she just woke up.
Of course, there is another most important thing to prove that this is not an illusion
He brought back the fountain of hell from Wu Daozun, and now it is in the sea of his knowledge!
Sumo realized that his roots had not fallen, but that his soul had walked around the ghost gate of hell!
This experience is so rare!
His situation is many times higher than reincarnation.
Reincarnation is difficult to awaken the memory of past lives unless someone leads it.
But also need to practice again.
Now, his soul has made a turn in the hell and returned to the tomb of the emperor to reunite with the gods to control the twelve violets.
He doesn’t have to practice again, and he doesn’t have to cut back at all!
More than that, his soul witnessed The six great divisions in the wheel of karma realize the true meaning of The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s power in hell.
You can control the real The six great divisions in the wheel of karma and exert its magical power if you continue to practice and realize it!
Su Mo felt it carefully and found that his own changes were not limited to these.
In the process of his soul coming and going in the hell, violet seems to have undergone many strange changes.
Violet’s true body has sprung up with a huge and rich vitality.
This force is now constantly nourishing the blood of violet, and violet is growing rapidly.
The realm of his cultivation is also rising with the naked eye.
You know, he was forced into the emperor’s grave by the patriarch of the hospital, and he just stepped into the realm of true cultivation, but it was only true cultivation.
It’s just that Xuanyuan, Tianyuan and Sanyuan have just been integrated and condensed into a true yuan.
Now, according to the rising speed of this realm, he is likely to step into a realm in a short time.
What a time!
Su Mo was pleasantly surprised at the moment.
Although there are still many puzzles in his mind, it is not clear what the whole process is about, but this is really every cloud has a silver lining
At this moment, a sigh came from the side. This sound is deja vu. That’s the sound he heard before he died!
Su Mo’s heart is fiercely protected.
When he came back from the dead, he found that violet had changed and immersed himself in it, but he didn’t find a person not far away!
Su Mo hurriedly got up from the pit and looked around to see a middle-aged man in an antique white robe.
The middle-aged man also looked at him, but his eyes were somewhat complicated, showing a trace of pity and regret.
"The elder was the immortal emperor in the morning and evening?"
Sue ink tentatively asked with a slight hesitation.
When he heard this sigh before he passed out, he recalled that when he first entered the emperor’s grave, he had some immortal thoughts.
And the sound of the immortal emperor is exactly the same!
Normally, Emperor Xiandi has fallen for many years.
Su Mo saw the middle-aged man in front of him and was still not sure.
"It’s me"
The middle-aged man nodded slightly.
Hearing the middle-aged man admit that Su Mo felt a shock even though he was ready, then he jumped out of the pit and bowed to the Xiandi at dusk, saying, "Thank you for your help."
Chapter two thousand seven hundred and twenty The secret of the emperor’s grave

Unless it is some extreme species, it can move ashore, but in general, siren will not take the initiative to shore, so the danger will be limited.

King haijing was a blue whale.
In the early days of the change of heaven and earth, he was given a gift from heaven and earth and became a whale siren, especially after so many years of devouring evolution, which made him the king of the siren.
Moreover, he is also a siren emperor, and his hands are not in danger.
However, some time ago, a mysterious creature came to their siren territory and specially met with the siren emperor. This time, the deep-sea demon family invaded Gali Fuzhou, Sam.
Before he left, the demon emperor also specially gave them some things that have reached the level of the sea demon king. They said something and made some arrangements. They will attack Sam and some coastal States can carry out large-scale chaos, and there will be one to inform them to leave.
Then don’t stay.
Who informed the king of haijing that they didn’t know?
But if you have a secret code, just check it.
"deep sea emperor"
And their goal is to destroy the human city to the extent that it can be destroyed. This is not the first time that King haijing has appeared in a human city, but it is the first attack.
The siren is coming, and so are the tsunami and hurricane.
For a moment, the people who were still in the car were wondering whether to drive away from California. Now they have been submerged by several meters of sea water, and there is no chance for those people to escape
This moment is really a moment.
What if someone hits the car door and comes out of the water?
They have missed the best chance to escape.
The number of sea monsters has reached the place where the sea can touch. Not only that, but also the number of sea monsters are not counted as sea fish. By virtue of their ability to bite and eat humans.
Piranhas are not marine creatures, but there are too many kinds in the ocean. Some of them are more fierce than others, and they are all food in the rest.
Just like people eat fish, some marine life with strong omnivorousness will also eat people, and of course, there are more people who simply kill by virtue of their strong bodies.
In fact, this land is no longer pure land. Many of them are submerged in seawater, just like Venice, a water city. Most of the low-rise buildings have been submerged.
And there are several small sea monsters in these waters.
There are even some siren soldiers.
For human beings, hurricanes and tsunamis are fatal, but for these siren creatures, they make waves and make money.
Where sea water spreads is where their power goes.
And everywhere they go, nothing grows.
Humans all have to die!
At this moment, King haijing did not physically appear in the city of California, but stepped in the virtual form and looked down at the human ants.
I also watched his people slaughter ordinary humans.
One-sided massacre
Because King haijing was caught in hurricanes and tsunamis, it was not fun, but big. Even when he arrived in the city, there were several meters of water.
If it is in some low-lying areas, not to mention, this will not only make some ordinary humans drown in huge waves, but also make some siren slaughter those humans and human fighters like a duck to water.
You know, many human fighters are extremely selfish, especially in Sam. There is no such thing as loyalty.
They pay more attention to individual heroism than to the group. Most fighters choose to escape from the invasion of the siren rather than fight with them first.
What’s more, in cities covered by tsunamis, their fighters’ ability will be limited a lot.
There is no way to give full play to its due strength.
Don’t run away, are you waiting to die with those ordinary humans?
Even if some people have a strong sense of honor and justice, they are not an enemy at all in the face of several sea monsters. This is a one-sided massacre rather than a close confrontation
Under the eyes of King haijing, he saw a shrimp soldier directly dismembering a human with huge claws and then stuffing it into himself as food.
Even those cars that have been soaked in seawater can’t stand it, and the heavy pressure has changed their shape, but this is just one of the scenes, and there are still several similar things happening at this moment.
Just then, the king of haijing also sensed a strong breath flying in his direction.
It is the "belated" state speaker Morgan
Many people know the name of this big brother because he is a Morgan family and also the "patron saint" of Fuzhou, California. This can’t be because others can fly because of Wu Zong.
"Is this human being here to die?" This humanoid King haijing is very strong, more than two meters high, and he also twisted his body slightly, as if he were warming up before the battle.
In this place, he is a sea demon king, so he is the only one who can resist human beings. But in terms of strength and other aspects, King haijing is far superior to Morgan.

"Come on, hurry up and follow." Dachuan was active and waved his hand at everyone like a hardcore dog leg.

They turned and divided into two teams and followed the soldiers to the compound.
"You wait" Jinyuan City shouted at Dachuan.
"Hey, sir, what’s your order?" Dachuan fart Dian fart to gather together in the past bow to ask
"Are you the leader?" Jin yuan cheng Wen
"Yes, yes, these people are coming with me." Dachuan grin replied, "My brother."
"Do their ideological work well and you won’t do it," Jin Yuancheng said, pointing to Dachuan. "But if you don’t do it well, I promise to give you the most tiring job."
"Yes, sir!" Dachuan saluted and replied, "I promise to fiddle with all these rotten garlic."
"Who is rotten garlic?" Jiang Xue leaned in and bowed at Jinyuan City and said, "Sir, I am also the leader."
Jin Yuancheng frown at him.
"Yes, yes, he is my second shopkeeper." Dachuan echoed, "We have relatives. He is my nephew."
"… big JIU this don’t tell Sir" Jiang Xue short zheng immediately replied.
Jin Yuancheng looked at the two of them. "The dormitory should be divided into people, and the work place should be randomly assigned."
"Yes" Dachuan nodded "white"
"I’ll ask you to follow me before work." Jin Yuancheng waved.
"Good" Dachuan gave a non-standard military salute, turned around and took a shot at Jiang Xuegou’s head. "Let’s go, nephew!"
Say that finish two people also immediately with out.
Dachuan has an innate earthy atmosphere, which is honed by living in the ground floor outside the area for a long time. It can grow like crazy in a bad environment, and the adaptability of plants is very strong
This outgoing temperament can’t be hidden, but it is precisely because he has this temperament that he has helped the team a lot and it is easier to get the other party’s letter, which Jiang Xuemeng Xi and other leaders don’t have.
On the back of the team, Jiang Xue gritted his teeth and shouted at Dachuan, "You still take advantage of me!"
"A few of them are loyal fighters of the regional flag. What else can you take advantage of?" Dachuan walked ahead and replied softly, "… if you don’t take a picture of a place like this, you can’t do anything."
"You are big JIU, you are right." Jiang Xue nodded.
While they were talking, the sergeant, the leader in front, suddenly shouted, "Stand at attention!"
They smell instantaneous stop.
On the left side of the compound, car headlights’s light came over and seven Taiwan military cars slowly came over.
The soldiers immediately raised their arms to salute.
Jiang Xue’s eyes hurt a little when he was shaken by the headlights, and his arm was blocked in his face.
Soon the team turned and the headlights faded. Jiang glanced at the other car inertia, but he froze in place.
The lights in the courtyard are very strong, and the line of sight is very good. He saw an acquaintance sitting in the SUV of the Third Taiwan Army.
It’s lee Ji-hoon from the fifth district!
Jiang Xue knows this man very well, because it is impossible for Jiang Xue to forget him in the old triangle cocoa team and his main opponents, namely Jiang Taimin and Li Zhixun.
The team left soon, and Jiang Xue hasn’t recovered yet.
"Let’s go!" Dachuan urged 1.
"His mama he is here, too." Jiang Xue muttered a word and quickly followed Dachuan.
Wu Tianyin rushed Qin Yu with words and said, "The construction site must be in the mining area of Bashkir Mining Group, but where exactly is it? I can’t get it yet. Don’t worry, I’m letting people contact the management of this mining group and will try to find out the exact information."
Qin Yu anxiously replied, "The management of this place must be very strict. You must be sure before you find out the news, or it will be dangerous if things leak out."
"I am white" Wu Tianyin nodded "You wait for my words"
Say that finish Wu Tianyin hangs up the phone.