

1. **祛风除湿**:骨痛灵能够有效祛除体内风邪和湿邪,对于因风湿引起的疼痛有显著疗效。

2. **活血止痛**:通过活血化瘀,改善血液循环,达到缓解疼痛的效果,对于各种原因引起的疼痛有良好的止痛作用。

3. **舒筋通络**:能够疏通经络,缓解肌肉和关节的紧张,对肌肉酸痛、关节僵硬等有良好的改善作用。

4. **疗效显著**:针对多种骨痛症状,如腰酸背痛、手软脚震、四肢麻木、头痛、背痛、骨痛、骨刺麻痹、骨质增生等,都有显著疗效。

5. **安全有效**:骨痛灵多采用天然中草药成分,经过现代制药工艺精制,相对安全,副作用小,适合长期服用。

6. **针对性治疗**:针对不同类型的骨痛,如风湿骨痛、风湿关节炎、痛风等,都有针对性的治疗配方。

7. **使用方便**:通常为胶囊或喷剂形式,便于携带和使用,按照说明书的指导,每日服用三次,每次2-3粒或适量喷剂,即可达到治疗目的。

8. **注意事项**:在使用骨痛灵时,应注意不要让儿童触及,并置于阴凉干燥处保存。对于过敏体质者,使用前应咨询医生。



1. **修复磨损的关节软骨**:氨糖能够刺激软骨细胞合成胶原蛋白和蛋白多糖,从而修复因磨损而受损的关节软骨,以及周围的软组织。

2. **保护关节软骨**:氨糖能够直接保护关节软骨,并刺激关节滑液的形成,增加关节内的滑液,从而产生润滑作用,减少关节摩擦。


3. **增强免疫力**:氨糖能够有效抑制自身免疫性炎症的发展,预防骨关节炎的发生。

4. **促进钙质沉积**:氨糖可以加速钙质在骨骼中的沉积,提高骨密度和增加骨的强度,有助于预防和改善骨质疏松。

5. **预防关节疾病**:氨糖适用于早期骨关节炎患者,如长期伏案工作、高强度劳动人群以及中老年人,有助于预防和改善骨质疏松、骨质增生、滑膜炎、腱鞘炎、骨关节炎等问题。

6. **改善关节功能**:氨糖通过促进关节滑液的分泌,维持关节之间的灵活性,从而改善关节功能。


7. **安全适用**:氨糖不是葡萄糖,糖尿病患者也可以安心服用。




1. **碳水化合物和膳食纤维**:红薯含有大量的淀粉和膳食纤维,这些成分能够提供人体所需的能量,同时也有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。
2. **矿物质和微量元素**:红薯含有丰富的钾、铁、铜、硒、钙等矿物质和微量元素,这些成分对于维持人体电解质平衡、增强免疫力等都有重要作用。
3. **维生素**:红薯中含有丰富的维生素A、B、C、E以及胡萝卜素等,这些维生素对于保护视力、增强免疫力、延缓衰老等都有益处。


1. **通便排毒**:红薯中的膳食纤维能够刺激肠道蠕动,促进排便,对于缓解便秘有较好的效果。
2. **辅助降压**:红薯富含钾元素,有助于降低血压,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
3. **辅助控血糖**:红薯中的膳食纤维和糖分含量适中,能够帮助糖尿病患者控制血糖。
4. **保护心脏**:红薯中的抗氧化物质有助于保护心脏,预防心血管疾病。


5. **减肥健美**:红薯的热量较低,且体积较大,有助于增加饱腹感,适合减肥人群食用。
6. **抗癌作用**:红薯中的胡萝卜素、维生素C和叶酸等成分具有抗癌作用,能够预防癌症的发生。



1. **美白保湿**:玫瑰中含有丰富的天然抗氧化剂,如维生素C和黄酮类化合物,能有效抑制黑色素的形成,从而达到美白肌肤的效果。同时,玫瑰精华能够深层滋润肌肤,增强肌肤的保水能力。

2. **控油平衡**:玫瑰具有温和的收敛作用,可以帮助调节肌肤油脂分泌,对于油性肌肤尤其适用,能有效减少面部油脂,使肌肤水油平衡。

3. **修复晒后肌肤**:玫瑰中的抗氧化成分能够中和紫外线对肌肤的伤害,促进肌肤细胞的修复和再生,对于晒后肌肤有很好的舒缓作用。

4. **紧致肌肤,淡化细纹**:玫瑰精华可以促进胶原蛋白的生成,帮助紧致肌肤,减少细纹和皱纹的产生。


5. **改善暗沉肤色**:玫瑰中的多种营养成分可以提亮肤色,改善肌肤不均的色泽,让肌肤焕发光彩。

6. **舒缓肌肤**:玫瑰具有天然的镇静作用,能够缓解肌肤疲劳和不适,对于敏感肌肤也有良好的安抚效果。

7. **滋养肌肤**:玫瑰中的营养成分可以滋养肌肤,补充肌肤所需营养,使肌肤自然健康。

8. **收缩毛孔**:玫瑰的收敛特性可以帮助收缩毛孔,使肌肤更加细腻光滑。

不同品牌的玫瑰面膜,如MOSTLY TINY、彼得罗夫、里美、保加利亚玫瑰、草舍名院、十月玫瑰、东盛堂、馥蕾诗、贝尔思力、希思黎等,各有其独特配方和功效,但都秉承了玫瑰的这些神奇效果。在使用玫瑰面膜时,可以根据自己的肌肤状况和需求选择合适的产品。


1. **小棕瓶精华**:这款产品是雅诗兰黛的明星产品,含有独特的生物活性成分,能够帮助肌肤补充能量,促进肌肤的自我修复。它具有以下效果:


– **补水保湿**:帮助肌肤锁住水分,使肌肤长时间保持水润。
– **修护肌肤**:激活肌肤,促进肌肤再生,让肌肤充满活力。
– **抗衰老**:淡化细纹,预防肌肤老化。

2. **线雕精华**:这款产品主打提拉紧致,适合抗衰老需求:
– **提拉紧致**:帮助提升肌肤轮廓,紧致肌肤,减少松弛现象。
– **淡化法令纹**:有效淡化法令纹和抗皱。
– **收缩毛孔**:收缩毛孔,使肌肤看起来更加细腻。

3. **完美焕颜修护精华**:这款产品专为去除死皮层和预防脱皮设计:
– **去除死皮层**:帮助去除肌肤表面的死皮,使肌肤变得更加柔滑细致。
– **收细毛孔**:减少脱皮现象,预防毛孔扩大。
– **修护肌肤**:为肌肤提供深层修护,改善肌肤状态。

4. **SOS闪修精华**:针对夏季皮肤泛红、瘙痒等问题,具有以下效果:
– **快速舒缓**:迅速缓解皮肤不适,如泛红、瘙痒等。
– **褪红祛痘**:有效褪红,祛除痘痘。
– **保护肌肤**:为肌肤提供保护,防止进一步伤害。

5. **细嫩修护精华露**:适合各种肤质使用,具有以下效果:
– **收缩毛孔**:有效收缩毛孔,使肌肤看起来更加细腻。
– **滋润肌肤**:为肌肤提供滋润,使肌肤更加光滑。

6. **祛斑精华**:雅诗兰黛的祛斑精华在市场上也有很好的口碑,具有以下效果:
– **淡化斑点**:有效淡化斑点,改善肤色。



1. **装饰与提升气质**:花珀色泽美丽,质地晶莹剔透,拥有丰富的纹路和图案变化,佩戴在身上不仅具有装饰效果,还能增添佩戴者的美丽、浪漫气息,提升气质,使其看起来端庄典雅,增加亲和力。

2. **寓意平安**:花珀属于琥珀的一种,琥珀是佛教七宝之一,对于常常外出的人们来说,佩戴花珀是保平安的象征。

3. **缓解情绪**:花珀佩戴在身上,与皮肤摩擦,可以起到按摩的效果,缓解情绪,使人身心放松,静气凝神。同时,花珀还有美容养颜的功效,可以使皮肤变得光滑细腻。

4. **增添自信**:花珀作为一种珍贵的文玩之物,在古代被视为权威和地位的象征。长期佩戴,可以让佩戴者看起来更有自信,提升生活品味和气质魅力。

5. **美容护肤**:花珀含有丰富的氨基酸和微量元素,可以起到嫩白肌肤的作用,长期佩戴可以使皮肤变得嫩滑。

6. **安神助眠**:花珀中的营养物质可以作用于大脑,调节睡眠,对失眠多梦、神经衰弱者有很好的功效。

7. **舒缓压力**:花珀上的香气可以缓解情绪,释放内心负能量,减轻压力。



8. **滋养身体**:花珀含有大量矿物质和微量元素,可以滋养身体。

9. **治疗病症**:花珀在临床上主要适用于治疗心神不宁、心悸失眠、惊风、癫痫等症状,还可以用于治疗痛经、经闭、心腹刺痛、癓瘕积聚等症状,以及淋症、癃闭等。

10. **护肤美容、延缓衰老**:花珀长期与身体接触、摩擦,会形成保护膜,同时释放负离子,促进血液循环,保持皮肤水分,有助于护肤美容和延缓衰老。


"If you have a child, you will have a problem. Those people can’t wait. Don’t worry, the whole country will have to be celebrated by our unborn grandson or granddaughter."

If Yang Guang’s future child is born, he will surely win the love of heaven and earth.
Thousands of pets are in one body.
More importantly, this so-called merits of heaven and earth or so-called faith will protect him.
It can be said that even if Rongyu is attacked by people, there is no possibility of so-called "abortion"
Because it is not only the crystallization of Yang Guang and Rong Yu’s love, but also the crystallization of this world. With Yang Guang completely having a life extension in this fighter world, there is a so-called tie.
The continuation of life is also the continuation of this fighter world.
Of course, compared with normal people, Yang Guang can live for thousands of years now in Shou Yuan, if he can achieve Emperor Wu.
This is where the fighters are strong, and it is also a genetic modification.
Full of limited activity
Chapter one hundred and sixty Pseudo-gods
Yang guang finally resisted anxious to return’s impulse to bury the strong feelings of missing deeply in his heart.
Now is not the time to discuss children’s affair.
She Xiao Jia da Jia
These things come to him, and he has not been waiting for the Xu Fujun’s wool, but has chosen some bosses who have reached the level of Wu Zun.
Is god helps those who help themselves, finally let Yang guang know an important thing.
That’s something that belongs to the northern world.
In addition, Yang Guang also learned about some processes through his golden finger.
There are core requirements for intermediate fighters to be promoted to advanced fighters.
That is the so-called affiliated small world thing.
So far, the dragon world has been able to make those people believe in the dragon god to a degree of 45%
That is to say, there are still half of the early people who do not believe in the so-called dragon god.
Of course, more people are still on the sidelines, and a little rub is stubborn, but Yang Guang in Feilong is not particularly concerned, because it will be done slowly sooner or later.
In particular, the so-called Yan Bo and the chosen tiger will become stronger and stronger.
With more and more fighters around them.
That is to say, to follow them, to believe in the dragon myth, there is meat to eat.
It has attracted the attention and belief of several people to be able to project the avatar in the so-called world in another world and raise some people to the realm of martial arts.
Everyone wants to be the so-called Xin Yuner.
Even Yang Guang knows a new world, the so-called Xiangyun world, and he can know who the world can quickly gain several people’s beliefs.
Dong Tianjun
What’s more, there’s the one who pays fat, and the other people are surprised by the wind and waves
They are risking their lives if they dare to do so. At the very least, this warrior world is working hard. Of course, there is a long way to go. So far, the man who believes in the dragon god has reached 40%.
Xiangyun Holy Land dominates the sky, yes, but it can’t affect everyone, because those people are not so-called puppets, but really have their own thoughts.
Only by gradually giving some people enough respect can more people believe in the dragon god.
Of course, there are also some forces to control some small worlds.
On the contrary, those pure human worlds are more difficult without practitioners in the world.
Because the level of Wu Zong is restricted to the highest level, it is called a military commander. However, although most of the military commanders are not afraid of the so-called hot weapons, they are relatively speaking.
More importantly, the number of military commanders in the whole fighters world is limited, and it is impossible to enter thousands of military commanders and travel to that small world.
It’s just dozens of military commanders. The so-called influence is still limited.
It’s a little troublesome
But it’s still in progress anyway.

"If you are smart enough at this time, I can spare your life."

"If you are stubborn again, the old man will definitely turn you into ashes later."
How much does a mountain weigh?
How much do the two mountains weigh?
Think about how big a piece of 100 Jin bluestone is. The two towering mountains are afraid that they are not so powerful as 10 million Jin. If there is no special magical power, they will never be able to move rocks. Jade Duxiu has magical power to move mountains. The four old guys on this important mountain face are pure spells and hard resistance, and they will never feel too good. Mana will be consumed quickly.
This is the supernatural power. It is said that there are two kinds of skills, one is specialized in jade solo, the other is proficient in pulling mountains and removing stones, and the old man is proficient in fate. These are two kinds of physical forces, and it will never feel good to be pinned down by two mountains at this time.
Chapter 274 Powerful and weird friends, please stay.
"Brother, this little beast is really bad at moving mountains. If we go like this, we can’t go even if we have deep mana. It’s better to rush out with the boss and find a quietly waiting for the boss Du Jie."
An old man’s forehead dripping with sweat to the Dou Ying way
Feel that increasing gravity, and then look at the scattered soldiers around. Dou Ying said, "Old four will organize the army and the three of us will escort the boss to Du Jie."
With that, the four men used the technique to turn the compass for a moment, and the fate force flowed at this time. Five people actually rushed out of the geocentric element magnetic force.
This is the fate of fate-that is, they are not disturbed by the magnetic force.
"bang!" The surrounding mountains shook, two mountains plunged, and the surrounding rocks rolled a lot of victories. The soldiers were unstable and fell off the cliff and broke into paste alive.
Whether it’s Jade Duxiu or the five monks in Yi Dao, it’s tacit that everyone will never personally shoot ordinary people.
"Rushed out" Jade Duxiu’s pupil shrank and moved mountains and stones, but he returned with success for the first time. It is conceivable that Jade Duxiu’s heart was shocked. Seeing that five people were about to turn into the sky, Jade Duxiu’s eyebrows surged for a moment and blurted out "Friends, please stay."
At this time, it seems to turn over several great robbery forces, as if the dam-digging water poured from a certain amount, and it was exerting a five-failure force on the antibody. Yichuan spit out one mouthful blood and produced dirt all over his clothes.
When the five people feel around, the transformation seems to have a strange power arrival, which has influenced several people’s minds and stopped without hesitation.
Dou Ying turned to Yu Duxiu and said, "Is there anything else for the Taoist priest?"
Look at the face of Dou Ying, as if they were really good friends.
Jade Duxiu suddenly noticed that several people were in a wrong state, and suddenly Fu Lingxin blurted out without thinking, "A few Taoist friends, I am Taiping Dao, and the order of Dingtian is the great cause of the whole life. A few Taoist friends, however, are great men and women, and they will not abandon the dark and surrender to me. In the future, I will achieve great things in Taiping Dao, and I will surely have fruit, be immortal and not suffer from the five failures of heaven and man."
Jade Duxiu’s words revealed a strange bewitching force. The sane four people actually hesitated. Look at me. I’ll look at your Dou Ying’s way out. "Dao You’re right. Listen to Dao You’s words. Now that you’ve made mistakes, you’ll naturally yield …"
I didn’t say that finish, but I saw five compasses clicking, and the fate force flow cut off the great robbery. The compass was a five-person cultivation instrument, and I realized that the five people were in a wrong state and attracted the fate force at the expense of self-loss.
The magic weapons of this world are all kinds of supernatural things, but they are spiritual, although they have no spiritual wisdom.
If these five tones fall in the ears of several people, it will wake them up instantly. The five people look at each other with horror and don’t wait for the jade to show off again, but they run away in a cloud.
Jade Duxiu didn’t react at the moment. After all, this is the first official messenger. Please stay here. This mysterious power has not been fully mastered.
Previously, the state of five people fell into the eyes of Jade Duxiu, but it raised a little bit of strangeness in Jade Duxiu’s heart. It seems that the heart has learned something. Looking at the five people who are far away, it is more puzzled.
That’s too Yi Dao. Five people flew away from the battlefield and found a mountain. They looked at the crack in the compass. Dou Ying was horrified. "What is this spell that actually eliminated our hostility in silence? What’s more, it actually changed our will."
The other three people are concerned, but they can’t say a thing or two.
Dou Ying looked at the damaged compass in his hand and felt pain in his heart. "This is too strange to believe in Zongmen in the future. If you meet this little brother and elder, you will be calculated by it once you talk."
Said the DouYing hands fly out a talisman towards too Yi Dao altar.
Returning to the camp, Yu Duxiu thought about his avatar. Although he knew that it was very fate for this friend to please stay, he did not expect that he had never paid attention to this avatar.
Sinking into my mind, I reflected the Yuan God’s quiet feeling. Please stay mysterious. I had previously left my feeling. Three days have passed in this blink of an eye.
"Daoyou, please stay is not only a great robbery, but also a causal avatar. If the other party ignores this sentence, it will form a causal causal implication and call people to resist it." Jade Duxiu frowned and said to himself, "Daoyou, please stay is a great robbery avatar rather than a causal avatar."
For example, if a person walks on the road and Yu Duxiu says behind him, "Friends please stay", if the other party ignores it, there will be no cause and effect, then everything will stop. If the other party turns around, it will form cause and effect.
This will happen because the other party shouted because of Jade Duxiu, turned around and shouted because turning around was the result.
The general principle of one law, all laws and all numbers, flooded into Yu Duxiu’s mind. The word "Taoist please stay" is just a manifestation of the situation. This causal force is just a wonderful thing, and it can be made in another form.
For a moment, I saw that the word "cause and effect" formed by Yu Duxiu and Yuan Shen reflected the brilliance of Yuan Shen.
I remember that in the list of gods, Yuan Tianzun gave Jiang Ya a list of gods. He once told him that if someone called for no turning back, he was still scolded by Shen Gongbao. How could Jiang Ya Cong bet on this treasure? What’s more, this list of gods was given by Yuan Tianzun. Even if he borrowed Jiang Ya’s courage, he dared not gamble. It was disrespectful to Yuan Tianzun, but Jiang Ya gambled. This has to say that the causal force is mysterious.
Let’s say that Jade Duxiu once again formed a great magical power, which is causality or "Taoist friends please stay". In a moment, this symbol instantly left the Yuan God and fell into the palm of your hand, and it was absorbed by the mountain whip.
Whether it’s violet or mountain whip, it’s all true and false, and it’s quite mysterious to think that the real and false are unique in jade.
It is this causal avatar that forms a jade show, but it is not to understand many wonderful things, and it needs to be slowly realized and excavated.
Li Yunhui, the "Lord", hurried to gather together after seeing Jade Duxiu open his eyes.
Looking at Li Yunhui’s unique finger moved just a count on fingers, but it has been three days.
"What’s the situation?" Jade Duxiu looked at Li Yunhui.
"Lord, let’s win this time. The number of casualties of soldiers in the Southern Yuan Dynasty has left more than 30,000 people. Some prisoners are close to 40,000." Li Yunhui was full of joy.
"What about the rest of the Nanyuan army?" Yudu avenue
Li Yunhui touched his nose. "So that the Lord can learn that we are understaffed, and the remaining sixty thousand soldiers are not good. It is a slap in the face. We must also wreck many people’s sixty thousand soldiers and escape."
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Fortunately, when I woke up, it would never be so easy for Yichuan’s Five Decades of Heaven and Man to get through us. There is also a need to quickly turn around and send agents to follow them. If they can burn their food and grass, it would be best if there is no chance."
Speaking of which, Jade Duxiu feels a little pity. If it weren’t for three days, sixty thousand soldiers would be asked to dig wild vegetables and eat grass roots in the mountains, which completely solved the worries about the future. How much power can sixty thousand soldiers play without hay?
However, this cause and effect is the most mysterious force among the heavens, and it is a great chance for Yu Duxiu to master the cause and effect at this time. The key is to realize that "Taoist friends please stay" will work in the future and then hinder all kinds of wonderful things.
"standings went back to the cold river for three days, and nothing happened. Did Huang Puji and Su Chi surely become suspicious? These two guys are veterans of many battles to be reckoned with."
Chapter 275 On the eve of decisive battle
Jade Duxiu woke up and felt that things were a little bad, but it was not too late. The soldiers of Nanyuan were defeated and reorganized. When it was needed, Yichuan’s five failures between heaven and man still needed someone to protect him. However, it was better to divide the five Tai Yi Dao monks into individual ones to deal with antiques than with a pile.

But now what?

Even if a person wants her health, there is no need to take out real money, right? Even though she thinks she is pretty, she knows herself.
And she knows that Yang Guang is five years younger than himself.
Female junior holds the BRICS, and female senior is the old mother.
Pure feeling of love?
She really doesn’t know what to say.
Somehow a little touched, very touched.
The next day, she came to Yangcheng by Yang Guangche and saw that the room that nominally belonged to her was real and effective, even if this place was not Pengcheng, but Yangcheng was also very good!
So she can take over her parents and younger brother in the countryside?
"Since you’re not going to spend money on shopping, I’ll just buy you a suite, so we’ll be even. Let’s meet again." Yang Guang didn’t want to stay because he found it meaningless for him to make a false "love experience" like this.
There is no way for him to be touched by this so-called world of mortals.
Maybe he wants to change his mind or someone else? Before what do you think that being with Rongyu is a little bit to trigger a key?
"Wait a minute" is when Yang Guang intends to leave RongYu shouted a.
"Huh?" Yang guang twist a head looked at RongYu puzzled.
However, I saw the girl who was very wary of him and pretended to be a lover. She was unbuttoning her shirt and wearing a white shirt button that she used to wear.
"If you feel hot, you can adjust it. If you think you want to repay me, you have to send it to me physically? That’s not necessary. I personally don’t like it very much. "
Yang Guangzhen doesn’t like this kind of feeling very much. It’s a bit like trying to repay a debt of gratitude.
"You want me. Anyway, I have nothing to repay you. Otherwise, I feel guilty when I receive this room. Rest assured that it is the first time that I am not dirty."
Yang guang can naturally see that Rong Yu is still a yellow flower girl, but he doesn’t care about these.
What he cares about is whether he likes each other or not and whether the other person likes himself or not.
I’m sorry he really doesn’t feel in love. I think we all do.
Chapter five hundred and twenty-two worldly desires
Yang guang and Rong Yu are like an imaginary couple in a love variety show. They are in love before the camera and become strangers after the camera is added. After that, they will have their own gossip friends and know different friends.
One parting and two widths give birth to joy.
Yang guang, after all, didn’t favor this girl who was willing to send out for the first time. He didn’t like this feeling very much.
But it seems to have touched.
His departure changed Rong Yu’s attitude towards him from a passerby to a lover.
Even if I am moved and like it more.
But she didn’t have it before Yang Guanglian’s way. She consciously ignored these problems, but now she wants to do so, but she can’t come.
But she didn’t know that Yang Guang was in the building.
There was a long pause.
A faint blue knife around Yang guang body for a while.
Disappear after one.
And his original breath is also a bit stronger.
People are born with seven emotions.
Emotion, sorrow, fear, love and evil desire
Yang Guang, a senior Wu Zonghou, experienced the joys and sorrows of life in a food processing factory, while he experienced the warmth and anger of life when he became a takeaway.

In fact, Qin Changfeng has another purpose in cultivating these six magic traps and their mysterious skills such as the highest day tactic and the five thunder heavenly heart tactic, that is, he wants to decide which magic foundation he will use when developing the tenth level method by observing their cultivation of these martial arts!

You know, the small phase work is no worse than King Kong’s magic work. It is obvious that the first choice of successive achievement methods for one pulse phase is that the proportion will go backwards.
Just like at a fork in the road, once selected, you can go straight in this direction.
Work has always been a matter of taking the lead and starting instead of attribute bias, as well as the choice of ancillary skills changes
If King Kong is not bad and the magical power is not in the same strain and perfect fit, it is impossible to evolve such a powerful skill as God Fan.
Since then, the six doors have remained dormant, although they have also participated in the rivers and lakes, but they are all small-scale and have not caused much attention.
Because from defending the east to breaking the waves and then to the lonely dream, I am very proud of practicing Dafa, and I still need to practice and continue to accumulate strength when I need it.
And Qin Changfeng also strives to cultivate the small phase work to make it reach the ninth peak as soon as possible and break through the innate preparation.
However, due to the residual drug power of Ganoderma lucidum in body fire, it was exhausted during the practice of indestructible magic, so the speed of practicing small phase work was far from that at the beginning.
Qin Changfeng guess this speed is estimated to take seven years to practice to the ninth peak.
Fortunately, although he doesn’t have any precious medicine, the second advanced war has brought back a lot of Lingshi. This kind of cultivation can often increase the cultivation speed by about two times, which can be said to be an unexpected joy.
However, the consumption rate is a bit scary, that is, every liter of 1% progress actually consumes 70 lingshi.
He doesn’t know whether the problem is normal or not, but he doesn’t know that if he is seen by the real cultivator, he must point his nose and scold him for this prodigal family.
Actually, Lingshi is not to forcibly absorb the innate essence contained in it in your hand, and there is also a transformation problem.
Small-phase work is not the formula of repairing truth. Naturally, there is no way to transform spiritual power into its own true qi. Qin Changfeng has lost at least half of his spiritual power every time he absorbs a lingshi.
After returning to Six Doors for a year, he finally waited for the last of the six gods.
But a boy of 16 or 17 years old, but one side is cold and serious, and the other side shows all the vicissitudes of life.
Another young and mature man is different from Dong Shou in that he has a firm belief in the vicissitudes of life, while the latter is indifferent.
Qin Changfeng once again appeared and personally accepted his disciples’ gift to the six gods to capture the high heaven humanity and the highest plough tactic secret method.
"Master’s little younger brother’s life … seems to be dominated by heaven." Six doors, the highest attic, Dong Shou and Qin Changfeng stand side by side, but in midsummer, he keeps his hands in the sleeve cage … He seems to be a neat freak, not only carrying a handkerchief with him, but also not showing other parts except his face when it is unnecessary.
"I know he is a bully, but what about this?" Qin Changfeng said faintly, "He is a man full of justice. He will never violate the rules of the door and the rules of his own life. If he is not allowed to kill Xiong, he will be the best in six doors!"
"Brother Bai" has reached the age of development, but he still has a white face and a slight bow and answer.
"Is it really white?"
"Six doors need a younger brother to become a representative of the banner of justice."
Qin Changfeng’s face showed appreciation, but his mouth hated iron and sighed, "I have always taught you to be a positive, kind and noble person. How can you have such a private idea?" Remember to say the first half sentence after. "
Dong Shou heard this and answered seriously, "Follow the teachings of the master."
Qin Changfeng was satisfied with this and nodded. Although a famous teacher makes a master, it is really rare to keep such a disciple in the east even in Qin Changfeng’s view. The most important thing is that he is tough and talented, but he is not pedantic. Is Qin Changfeng so glorious that he can complete it successfully?
In this way, the apprentice let Qin Changfeng evaluate two words-satisfaction!
Five years later, in front of Lingyun Cave, Leshan Giant Buddha
The towering rivers of the Giant Buddha Mountain have already overflowed the knees of the Giant Buddha.
The so-called water-flooded Buddha kneels on fire in Lingyun Cave … At this time of the year, fire Kirin will appear from Lingyun Cave.
At the moment, Lingyun Cave roared in front of the cave, and the raging fire jiaqi was being besieged and killed by four figures.
The four people are six doors to catch gods, the beast to Demonbane, the hell to the east and the humanitarian solitary dream.
In terms of strength, the ranking should be Dong Shou, Demonbane, and the last dream of catching the gods.
Dong Shou surpassed Demonbane in ten years of practicing Nine Mysteries, which not only proved that this method is powerful, but also proved that his own qualifications are amazing.
It is very reasonable that the world often says that there is bole before there is a swift horse.
If Qin Changfeng hadn’t happened to meet him all his life, he would have just been flogged at will.
And Qin Changfeng also believes that his proud brother will not be weaker than the so-called tianjiao!
The fire unicorn is a fierce beast with horns, reddish body and glowing hot body, with a lion’s eye, a tiger’s back, a musk deer’s body and Long Lin all in one.
Its brute force and natural divine fire rampage on all sides, while six doors and four people chase and block
Among them, he tried his best to catch the gods. He was upright and upright by nature, and the fire unicorn was in trouble for many years. This time, he was ordered by six doors to catch four of the six gods, and it was a rare opportunity to kill this evil beast. His character naturally wanted to go all out.
Among the remaining three people, the lonely dream is that she is willing but unable to practice Saint Gan Kun’s skill for more than five years, and her strength has not yet entered the first-class ranks in today’s rivers and lakes. At this time, facing the fire unicorn can play a role in containing it.
Demonbane, on the other hand, simply doesn’t want to try his best. He always puts himself in the first place and will never bear any danger.
And Dong Shou, who is obsessed with cleanliness, doesn’t want to entwine with the fire unicorn. Qin Changfeng, who has a dragon and sumeru palm, attacks on the periphery. Every moment, there are three black dragon-shaped palm forces around the fire unicorn to cull … Actually, this kind of palm force that can cause the greatest damage to the fire unicorn once the life collapses.
Even after the breakup, the true qi of the nine mysterious days is wrapped around the fire unicorn like a bone-eating yin fog, which greatly reduces the threat of it.
It is because Qin Changfeng’s rank was promoted to the rank of general that he was able to cultivate the dragon and sumeru palm, which opened a special … ability to transform his own skills into the practice of ordinary people in Upanishads.
However, due to the fact that the body is not semi-attributed, the final power of ordinary people practicing these skills and moves will naturally be very different from that of testers when practicing.
But even the mysterious and profound palm of the beggar’s hand still does not lose the top martial arts skills.
After the battle lasted for less than half an hour, the fire unicorn was outnumbered after all, and the fierce color in the eyes of two giant bells flashed, and the strong back was forced to bear three attacks, and with the bombardment force, it rushed in the direction of Lingyun Cave entrance with a furious head.
The four people cried the big hurry. Once the fire unicorn rushed into the maze-like caves of the fork, it would be insane to want to kill it again.
At this time, at the mouth of the cave, it happened to be the weakest solitary dream!