
### 生茶


1. **助消化**:生茶中的茶多酚能够促进胃液分泌,帮助消化。
2. **减肥降脂**:普洱生茶中的咖啡因和茶多酚有助于提高新陈代谢,减少体内脂肪。
3. **抗氧化**:生茶中的茶多酚具有很强的抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
4. **抗炎**:生茶具有一定的抗炎作用,对于一些炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

### 熟茶



1. **养胃**:熟茶经过发酵,其茶性温和,对胃部刺激较小,适合胃寒或胃弱的人饮用。
2. **降脂减肥**:与生茶相似,熟茶也有助于提高新陈代谢,减少体内脂肪。
3. **抗衰老**:熟茶中的茶多酚和儿茶素等成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
4. **改善睡眠**:熟茶中的茶氨酸具有安神作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

### 总结



1. **心血管保健**:沙棘油中的双亚(亚麻酸、亚油酸)不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血脂,软化血管,从而预防心脑血管疾病。沙棘果油总黄酮具有抗氧化作用,对冠心病、心绞痛、心肌梗塞等心血管疾病有很好的防治效果。

2. **调节血脂**:沙棘油中的不饱和脂肪酸和类黄酮成分可以降低血液中的胆固醇和血粘度,抑制血小板聚集,改善血液循环。

3. **美容养颜**:沙棘油中的不饱和脂肪酸和维生素E等成分有助于保湿、强化细胞膜,促进胶原蛋白和弹性纤维的分泌,从而改善肌肤皱纹,紧致肌肤。

4. **抗炎生肌**:沙棘油对胃溃疡有促进愈合的作用,可以保护胃黏膜,抑制胃酸分泌,降低胃黏膜受损程度,还有抗炎生肌、促进组织再生的功效。

5. **调节胃肠功能**:沙棘油有助于缓解胃胀、腹胀、便秘等消化系统问题。


6. **抗疲劳与免疫调节**:沙棘油可以调节机体免疫力,具有抗疲劳作用。


7. **止咳平喘**:沙棘油对咳嗽、咳痰等症状有缓解作用,有助于治疗慢性气管炎。

8. **保护肝脏**:沙棘油有助于防止肝硬化,对肝功能的指标也有改善作用。

9. **促进伤口愈合**:沙棘油具有消炎和促进组织恢复的作用,可以治疗创伤、溃疡等。

10. **预防肿瘤**:沙棘油中的生物活性物质可能有助于预防肿瘤。

11. **益智健脑**:沙棘油可能有助于促进儿童生长发育,增强记忆力。

12. **抗肿瘤**:沙棘油具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。



1. **补气固表**:黄芪具有补气固表的作用,对于气虚、表虚不固等症状有很好的治疗作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:黄芪可以增强人体免疫功能,对于提高身体抵抗力、预防感冒等疾病有显著效果。


3. **改善血液循环**:黄芪可以扩张血管,改善血液循环,对高血压、心脏病等循环系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **调节内分泌**:黄芪有助于调节人体的内分泌系统,对于内分泌失调引起的疾病有一定的治疗作用。


5. **抗炎作用**:黄芪具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗一些炎症性疾病。

6. **抗氧化作用**:黄芪含有多种抗氧化成分,可以清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程。

7. **调节脾胃**:黄芪对脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等症状有改善作用。

8. **缓解疲劳**:黄芪可以缓解身体疲劳,增强体力。

9. **美容养颜**:黄芪具有美容养颜的作用,可以改善肤色,延缓衰老。


– 遵循医嘱,根据个人体质和病情选择合适的灸法。
– 确保灸疗过程安全,避免烫伤。
– 疗程结束后,注意休息和调养,巩固疗效。




1. **散寒止痛**:桂皮粉具有温中散寒、理气止痛的作用,适用于治疗脘腹冷痛、呕吐、腹泻、痛经、寒疝腹痛、腰膝酸软等症状。

2. **活血通经**:桂皮粉能活血化瘀,有助于治疗月经不调、经闭、痛经等女性相关疾病。


3. **降血糖、降血脂**:现代研究表明,桂皮粉中含有的某些成分能够增强细胞对胰岛素的反应,有助于糖尿病患者控制血糖。同时,桂皮粉对降低血脂也有积极作用。

4. **健胃消食**:桂皮粉能促进食欲,改善消化不良,适用于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等情况。

5. **抗菌作用**:桂皮粉含有天然的抗菌物质,如桂皮醛和桂皮酸,能有效对抗多种细菌和真菌,帮助预防和治疗呼吸道感染、皮肤感染和消化道感染等疾病。

6. **抗氧化作用**:桂皮粉富含抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物和多酚,能中和自由基,减轻氧化应激对身体的伤害,有助于预防心血管疾病、癌症和衰老等问题。


7. **消炎作用**:桂皮粉具有抗炎特性,可以减少炎症反应,对于缓解关节炎、皮肤感染等症状有一定帮助。


8. **其他功效**:桂皮粉还能改善血液循环,有助于治疗阳痿、宫冷、腰膝冷痛、肾虚作喘等症状。



1. **健脾补气**:榴莲煲鸡汤中含有丰富的维生素、铁、钙等营养成分,能够起到健脾补气的功效,有助于增强体质,提高身体的抗病能力。

2. **增强体力与强壮身体**:鸡肉蛋白质含量高,种类多,消化率高,易于人体吸收利用,能够增强体力,强壮身体。

3. **促进食欲**:榴莲本身具有开胃、促进食欲的作用,搭配鸡肉煲汤,能够进一步激发食欲,有利于营养的摄入。

4. **滋阴补肾**:榴莲壳煲鸡汤有滋阴补气的功效,适合体质虚弱或大病初愈的人群,能够补充身体所缺失的营养元素,提高身体的抵抗力和免疫力。

5. **补充多种维生素和矿物质**:榴莲煲鸡汤中富含维生素、铁、钙等,能够补充人体所需的多种微量元素,有利于维持身体健康。


6. **调节肠胃功能**:榴莲壳煲鸡汤中的榴莲壳具有一定的药用价值,能够调节肠胃功能,缓解消化不良等问题。

7. **抗氧化,延缓衰老**:榴莲壳中富含的抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物和类黄酮酚等,具有抗氧化功效,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减轻氧化应激反应,延缓衰老过程。


8. **养血益气**:榴莲煲鸡汤性质温和,具有养血益气的疗效,适合不同体质的人饮用,尤其适合在秋冬季节食用。

9. **美容护理**:榴莲煲鸡汤中的榴莲含有多种维生素、矿物质、蛋白质和氨基酸,对皮肤细胞代谢有益,有助于美容护理。



1. **抗菌消炎**:大蒜中含有的大蒜素具有强大的抗菌消炎作用,能够抑制或杀灭多种细菌,如大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等,有助于预防肠道感染。

2. **降低血脂**:大蒜能够降低血液中的胆固醇水平,有助于预防动脉硬化和冠心病。

3. **软化血管**:醋中的醋酸有助于软化血管,降低血压,对心血管系统有益。

4. **预防感冒**:冬季和春季,经常食用醋泡大蒜,可以增强免疫力,预防感冒。

5. **防癌抗癌**:大蒜中的有效成分可以激活人体巨噬细胞,加强免疫力,从而提高机体抵抗力,对防癌抗癌有一定的积极作用。


6. **开胃助消化**:蒜醋泡制后的食物口感酸甜,能够刺激食欲,帮助消化。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:蒜醋泡制食物有助于促进新陈代谢,对减肥有一定的帮助。

8. **调味佳品**:蒜醋泡制食物不仅可以作为小吃,还能作为调味品,增加菜肴的风味。


– **选择优质原料**:选择新鲜的大蒜和优质陈醋,以确保泡制出的蒜醋品质。

– **适量食用**:虽然蒜醋泡制食物有诸多益处,但过量食用可能会对胃部产生刺激,特别是对于有胃溃疡、胃炎或胃酸过多的人群。

– **泡制方法**:蒜醋泡制需要一定的时间,通常需要几天到几周的时间,确保大蒜充分吸收醋的成分。

– **保存条件**:泡制好的蒜醋应放在阴凉干燥处,密封保存,避免阳光直射和高温。


"Yu Zhen Qing Zhu Yue Ji looks like I’m leaving for a while again. This emperor’s daughter was given a gift, but she had to guard her this time. Fortunately, with this large array of guardians, I don’t worry about your safety."

Looking at the three talents, I said in my heart that I know that this guardian is afraid of another fierce battle, but it is very dangerous, but I have to help myself.
"My husband doesn’t worry about us, we will take care of ourselves, and we will also take care of Qingqiushan. My husband should be careful. If something happens, he should not get away immediately."
Yu Zhen looked soft and worried when he heard Gao Cai’s words.
"Brother Gao, you should be careful!"
Bamboo eyes sad light said in the heart is a percentage don’t want to go to the leaker Gao Cai is also know that should not be stopped.
"Be careful!"
After two people say that finish, Yue Ji wants to say something. After hesitating for half a day, he gently said three words.
"Don’t worry, I will take care of myself!"
Looking at the three men, Gao Cai smiled and settled down. After three people’s minds, they turned into light and flew away in the distance. After flying for half a day, Gao Cai came to this good scroll hole.
At this time, the whole Shanjuan Cave has been surrounded by a cold atmosphere, and the whole world has been shrouded in a huge golden light curtain before the entrance of the cave. In this light curtain, a huge shining golden god will look solemn and cold.
Glanced at this huge screen, Gao Cai looked slightly like a condensate and secretly praised a good law. Although I don’t know the name of this law, the power it sends out is not underestimated.
"Hehe, please come in when Xiaoyou comes!"
When Gao Cai looked at this array, a golden curtain slowly appeared in the sound of a bright and clear sound so that Gao Cai could walk in.
When I went in, I saw that there were three people in the cave. These three people were all ancient crowns and ancient bodies, and they smelled of vicissitudes of life. Two of them gave people a strange and strange feeling of wind and rain.
Slightly a feeling look a clot these people actually have Jin Xian repair, among which there is a martial arts master who can’t help but say "being original has seen several predecessors."
"Hehe, Daoyou is too much of a guest set!"
See salute before these people also dare not too much, mostly got up and said with a smile.
"Ha ha, Gao Xiaoyou, don’t be polite to hear that you have achieved great success, and your potential in the future will be poor, and your fighting capacity will no longer be equal!"
One of them, a middle-aged man with a budo breath, smiled and spoke the thoughts in everyone’s heart.
"Ha ha, I’d like to introduce this is Fufeng Wudaoxiu, who is already immortal and strong in Jin Xian."
Seeing Ran Min and Gao Cai talking, they were introduced before the volume was introduced, and then they looked at the other two and said with a smile, "These two are Fengbo and Yu Shi, and they are also Gu Jinxian."
After listening to the introduction of this good volume, Gao Cai couldn’t help but smile bitterly. I didn’t expect that these people were all ancient great magical powers. This Fufeng clan leader said that it seemed to be beheaded by Shun. I didn’t expect that it was still there and it would be difficult to practice martial arts to a long habitat. If I hadn’t got the chaotic stone, I would be afraid to break through this step.
Not to mention the rain master in Fengbo, but the great avatar in the emperor’s period is not uncle rain, the mother-in-law of heaven and earth.
"Ha ha, this promise has finally come!"
Just when Gao Cai shook, Shanjuan suddenly chuckled, and a ripple flashed in this smile. A rough figure wrapped in leopard skin appeared in front of everyone
"Liu Boqin? !”
Looking at what people just look a surprised slightly shock way
"Ha-ha, Xiaoyou was in a hurry before here. I didn’t expect Xiaoyou to have such a repair, but it’s gratifying!"
See Gao Cai surprised sample Liu Boqin greeted with a smile.
"Little friends don’t have to be surprised that this Liu Boqin is the Xu You!"
Good volume before explained with a smile.
"Xu You wash your ears that Xu You! ?” Gao Cai thought of an allusion and couldn’t help asking questions.
"Ha ha, it’s good that this fake lofty guy is good. Let’s discuss defense together. This time, I’m afraid many people will come to make trouble to stop the emperor from being born!"
Good volume ha ha a smile and then eyebrows slightly wrinkled about this business.
When they hear the words of good volume, they also pack up and look dignified, waiting for orders from good volume.
I didn’t know in my heart until I saw everyone’s high looks that these people were all Terran masters. In ancient times, I followed the Terran Emperor through difficulties and created a prosperous situation for Terran today.
Therefore, they have deeper feelings for the Terran emperor and attach more importance to the birth of the emperor, otherwise these people will not come out of semi-seclusion one after another
"In those days, there were many enemies in the Yellow Emperor’s position. These people are now the great magical powers who dominate one side. Although they may not come in person, they will also send masters to stop this time. I have already laid four elephants to lock up a large array. This array is a defensive array. It is necessary for four Jin Xian experts to join hands to suppress the array. Fortunately, Fufeng’s Fengbo Rain Master, this high friend, has Jin Xian’s fighting capacity to defend the large array. As a result, the four of you will be in four different situations. When the time comes, you will need to help each other.
It is said that Zhongshan looks at Gao Cai’s four eyes with hidden expectations and instructions.
"The sage can rest assured that it will be guarded!"
I didn’t know this guardian duty until I heard the good words. It will be really dangerous and abnormal. If I am not careful, I will be dragged down by the wheel war.
"We also hinder Master Shanjuan. Don’t worry!"
Three other people also nodded slightly said there is no problem.
"Four Elephants Lock the Great Array with a guardian. I want to help the emperor and daughter transform their bodies and restore their sanity. I also want to suppress demons. I can’t disturb them at that time. What I am worried about now is that those who may have great magical powers will isolate the aura of heaven and earth and even reverse the forces of yin and yang. You must guard against these."
After the four men were commanded by Gao Cai, they looked at Xu You and said slowly, Xu You also nodded heavily, knowing that it was dangerous, and they were afraid that some people would not want the emperor’s daughter to be born and would isolate the aura and reverse the yin and yang, and then the emperor’s daughter would learn the aura to protect herself. At that time, it would be really dangerous to destroy these guarantees and ensure that the emperor’s daughter was born smoothly.
"In that case, thank you for your friends!"
Good roll with that, he bowed down to the crowd and said solemnly and solemnly, then the whole good roll hole was decorated, and the four creatures of Qinglong White Tiger Xuanwu Suzaku were reified in the virtual. When these four beasts appeared, they suddenly shook the square and projected a light to condense the four spirits.
After the formation of the four great beasts, they quickly ran and flew around the Shanjuan Cave in the virtual space, and gradually formed a huge chaotic world in the middle of the circle. This chaotic world slowly evolved into a poor star, and the twinkling of stars slowly covered up the whole Shanjuan Cave.

Jiao Fei lived in Bishui Island for several days, which made this new identity ponder thoroughly and confidently. He braved the waves and went straight to the East Great Wilderness Ridge. Although he has pondered several means, it is always difficult to have omissions if he is not familiar with Qing Di Garden, so Jiao Fei’s trip is to rush to Ling Yu.

The ancestor tea slaughtered almost all the younger brothers of the East Pole Sect, except for refining qi, fetal movement and not getting started, which was really ugly. Even he disdained the ghost fire curse. The East Pole Sect was almost killed, and the Lingyu Sect was not far from the East Pole Sect. Naturally, it was the first to know about the situation of the flying feather, and the real elder Tian Ying had been planning for a long time. Only then did he brazenly attack and recapture the Tianfeng Sect, and they even shipped it up and found it back in a secret room of the Tianfeng Sect. It was true that the East Pole Sect Sect lost its mind.
Although the two families are limited by their qualifications, Feiyu Reality and Tianying Reality can’t go any further, but they have trained several younger brothers who have great potential to come out. Those younger brothers who teach the East Pole have long wanted to have someone to protect them when they see their ancestors going crazy and killing at random. Although Lingyu Sect is not a powerful sect, there are still two refined Dan reality. These younger brothers who teach the East Pole are willing to change their families.
Although the ancestor tea was delirious, he was deeply afraid of the two major sects in the Great Wilderness Ridge. After all, both the East Pole Qing Di and the Great Wilderness Sect were mixed, and the Li family’s huge evil accumulated deeply. Even if he was refined, the Yuan God wouldn’t dare to run wild in the Great Wilderness Ridge. After being enchanted, he acted according to his ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and his natural reaction turned to a day when he didn’t come back for harassment.
This spiritual feather school has been sitting in peace for several years.
On this day, the real Feiyu was training disciples. Suddenly, a golden light flew, and a Confucian scholar with light golden eyebrows and light golden hair flew down. The real Feiyu recognized that it was the one who gave him and the real door Tianying two groups of Polo flame, "Meng Kuan", who left for a long time and shouted, "Don’t be sick, Taoist friend?"
Jiao Fei smiled and said, "I heard from overseas that Daoyou had taken a long trip to congratulate Tianfeng and didn’t have any gifts. Just consider these two pills as a gift. Daoyou should not abandon frivolity."
Flying feather reality is a look at dry yuan in bone-changing Dan’s heart. be in heaven suddenly thought, "With these two pills of Dan medicine, we can produce two outstanding brothers. This Meng Kuan scattered man is not like a monk, but like a good man who is rich and expensive."
Jiao Fei’s heavy hand is to dispel the wariness of Feiyu’s real people and stabilize the meager friendship in those days. He wants to invest in Qing Di Garden under an assumed name and borrow this pipeline to get close to Guanghan Fairy’s news. Any mistake is a matter of life and death, so he will not hesitate to ask for advice from Lingyu to send two real people.
Real Feiyu politely invited Jiao Fei to meet Tianfeng. Obviously, this Lingyu Sect has moved the Zongmen back. When a doorman offered fragrant tea, Real Feiyu asked with a smile, "Taoist friends came here in a hurry and thought there were other important things, not just congratulations!"
Jiao Fei doesn’t pretend to laugh. "If that’s the case, I do have something to ask Feiyu. My laity has a younger generation with extraordinary qualifications. It’s because my door is doomed to immortality that I want to find a way out for him. I heard that there are waiters in Qing Di Garden, so I want to ask Taoist friends if they have access."
Fei Yu’s reality heard this matter, and I felt a sigh in my heart. "I helped him receive two big gifts this time, but I can pay him back with it." Immediately, I focused on Fei and said, "Meng Daoyou, it’s not difficult. Qing Di Garden often sends people out to ask the important people of all factions that they are from Qing Di Garden. It’s not hard to force them to give some benefits if they are willing to do so. It’s not difficult for all factions to accept Ling Xiudi easily. Even if they know that the door-to-door method is not successful, how can they be sent to other homes?"
Jiao Feixi said, "So Taoist friends have a law?"
Feiyu reality laughed. "Qing Di Garden will send someone if Taoist friends have the heart. I can send people out before this, but it is difficult to guarantee that Qing Di Garden will not only accept waiters with smart mind and heavier appearance, but also refuse to accept them if they have some shortcomings."
Jiao Fei laughed. "These Taoist friends don’t have to worry about being able to have this road. I am very grateful. It’s not that I boast that my junior can’t pick out a person out of 10,000 people, not to mention that I have a bad history. Tell people if you can temporarily accept my junior as an apprentice, and then you don’t need me as a spirit feather delivery person!"
Feiyu reality laughed. "This little friend can feel at ease and let him come to my Lingyu Sect for some time first."
Jiao Fei didn’t expect this trip to be so smooth. He chatted with Feiyu reality briefly for half a day and then left.
Flying feather reality saw Jiao fly away, and then suddenly sighed and said to himself, "This Taoist friend is a white man. Although my generation knows some Taoism, we can’t expect immortality. Unless we suddenly get a great chance like a sea monk, we will take that last step this time."
I think that I have been running Lingyu Sect for many years. Although there have been many improvements recently, it has flourished in previous generations. However, I don’t know when I will be able to make a surprise and become a brilliant brother. I can’t help but feel sad in my heart.
Jiao Fei doesn’t care that many people go around overseas to find an uninhabited island and change the appearance of Qin Yu, a little fairy boy, to cover up their eyes and ears, and to be cautious, Jiao Fei doesn’t set up a shelter from the light and is afraid to walk on the waves with a condensed evil spirit.
Six desires for the peach blossom to rob the devil’s kung fu is put to good use, and falling in the sea is a colorful foil to "Jiao Fei" Yan Ruyu. That’s really a fairy unicorn boy in the painting! When I arrived at Tianfeng, those Lingyu disciples saw this young master’s extraordinary bearing, and his glory was taken by him, but he dared not come to inquire or Jiao Fei sang a promise to the two Lingyu disciples who guarded the door, saying, "In Qin Yu, I was ordered by my great-uncle to come and meet Feiyu, and I still hope that the two senior brothers will report one."
Hearing Jiao Fei’s words, the two gatekeeper Ling Yu Paidi felt that they couldn’t say a melodious and beautiful heart. "It’s hard to describe how ugly our parents were when they didn’t give birth to me, and they threw them into the kitchen pit and died. It was really a deep kindness."
When these two guards sent the news to Jiao Fei, they told him that Jiao Fei was a real person. Everyone who saw Jiao Fei’s appearance secretly thought, "Today, we finally know that the word" shame "means something, so our faces are hung up!"
Qin Yu, a fairy boy, looks more than one in a million. Jiao Fei has never been praised for his appearance in his life, and he doesn’t know for a moment whether to be proud or ashamed. After all, this appearance is not him.
"Luckily, this fellow was killed by Brother Xu Wen in those days, or I’m afraid I’m often said to be ugly when I have this person in my school."
The fifth chapter gourd gourd
Fei Yu’s real person read the letter of "Meng Kuan" and sighed at the appearance of this young "Qin Yu". "No wonder Meng Daoxiong is confident that he can be selected by Qing Di Garden."
Jiao Fei made a gesture. He came to be a big sect, and his brother’s every move was naturally very disciplined. In fact, Jiao Fei flew away from Tianhe Sword Sect, and he would also tell people about Tianhe Jiao Fei. Later, when he was hanging out with the first-class ancestor Tea, he said less about his real name, and even less made Tianhe Sect spell. First, he learned the most complicated spells. Second, he was afraid that people would have any trouble after seeing through his identity as Tianhe Sword Sect. Now, pretending to be Qin Yu is a master, and every move has the slightest flaw, just like a good tutor. He learned a few side spells
Feiyu reality spoke a few words and sent him away to arrange a place for Jiao Fei as his brother. He also thought about whether this "Qin Yu" was a whole income door, but he finally dismissed the idea when he thought that this young granduncle’s mana was higher than his own.
Jiao Fei has come to meet Tianfeng several times. It’s rare that his identity is different every time. This teenager can’t help but smile. Now, meeting Tianfeng is no longer the original time when more than 10,000 younger brothers were sent to teach meteorology in the heyday of East Pole, and there were fewer than 1,000 people who changed their teaching to their master. Therefore, there are many caves in this day.
The place where Fei Yu arranged for Jiao Fei was the original Wudong residence, which was very spacious, with seven stone chambers and a terrace facing the sea, where he could express his feelings directly with the sea breeze.
Jiao Fei is not anxious to know that it will be half a year before he has a chance to sneak into the Qing Di Garden. Every day, he meditates in the cave, and besides practicing, he cultivates other spirits and feathers. Although he thinks this newcomer is a bit odd, Jiao Fei can’t get out of them and there is no chance to strike up a conversation with this newcomer.
After spending a few days in Lingyu Sect, Jiao Fei suddenly remembered that the gourd of Yin and Yang had not yet been sacrificed and refined. This gourd sucked up the ghost pool, and the yellow camp has been melted into the pool of Yin and Yang. The yellow camp and the ghost pool are extremely important instruments in the underground prison, which are more precious than giving the tooth-burning tooth-burning armor and the quadrupole throne, but one side is guarding the root. Now the aura of the pool of Yin and Yang is almost overflowing.
Jiao Fei is also a little curious about what the Yin-Yang Taoist soldiers made by the Yin-Yang Gourd are like. Although he is not even five hundred water snake soldiers now, it is true for him that the Yin-Yang Gourd is banned for the fourth time, and it is also a matter of how much it is. Jiao Fei took out the gourd, sealed the door with six desires for peach blossom robbery, and then sealed the door with six Yang deities. With this dual protection, he was relieved to restore his appearance and changed his mind. He began to sacrifice the Yin-Yang Gourd, which was banned for the fourth time. Yin-Yang Gourd was full of aura.
It took a lot of trouble to find the gourd produced by the spirit root of heaven and earth. I also hope that the power of this Yin-Yang gourd will become the first treasure of protection with the practice of the day. I didn’t expect to be killed by the teacher elder sister Yang, but Jiao Fei benefited from the change of the real dragon evil spirit. In fact, this gourd body is extremely rare. If Jiao Fei wants to sacrifice a mouthful of Yin-Yang gourd, it is not easy to find a mouthful of such a series of spiritual objects.
Jiao Fei’s sacrifice has been refined for more than two months. The natural spirituality of this gourd resonates with the pool of Yin and Yang gourd. The pool of Yin and Yang is like a whirlpool with no end and no bottom, which absorbs the aura from the pool of ghosts and the yellow camp.
Jiao Fei thought strangely, "The Yellow Camp and the Yin pool that gave birth to ghost soldiers are not difficult to refine a utensil to the fifth and sixth weight. The aura required by the first three weights of Yin and Yang gourd is also the fourth weight of general sacrifice, and suddenly changed?"
Jiao Fei also got the formula of Yin-Yang gourd sacrifice and refining, but he didn’t know the details of this method. After all, this thing is not like his Tianhe Sword Sect spell. What’s wrong with it? You can also ask someone to ask this mouth of Yin-Yang gourd. It’s difficult for Jiao Fei. He tried to inject one yuan of heavy water mana into Yin-Yang gourd. Unexpectedly, this mouth of Yin-Yang gourd was generous and Haoguang succeeded in the fourth ban in an instant.
It is this fourth ban that makes Jiao Fei feel something wrong. This bottle gourd of Yin and Yang seems to be a part of his abdomen. The true qi operation must first pass through the bottle gourd of Yin and Yang. Jiao Fei was shocked and didn’t know what was wrong. He also relies on the Tianhe Dharma to enter the Tao, so that immortality can be combined with an instrument. How can it be done? Jiao Fei was cruel enough to recruit Six Yang Zan mana back, which abruptly shattered and just formed the fourth ban.
When the fourth ban was in a state of failure, Jiao Fei did not hesitate to inject the hardware essence from the gourd sword tactic this time. This time, it was still the same. This multiplier of Yin and Yang gourd absorbed Jiao Fei’s qi. The fourth ban was completed immediately. This time, this multiplier was firmly combined. It was not Jiao Fei’s one-yuan heavy water qi cultivated by the eternal life ladder Tianhe Dharma, but he rarely cultivated the hardware essence from the gourd sword tactic.
For Jiao Fei, besides the powerful magic, the rapid speed of entering the country can make him have self-protection when refining the first two layers of gas, so there is nothing to spend on cultivating the value. Since Jiao Fei has the six Yang deities and refined the power of this instrument more and more, the magic of the gourd sword has become very important. He has long stopped practicing and put this qi away to match with an instrument, which is the so-called thing for Jiao Fei.
Jiao Fei changed the mind method that is in harmony with the gourd of Yin and Yang, so that he can have leisure to play with this ritual refining instrument.
He can clearly sense that the colorful gold pills in his abdomen contain metal essence, which is flowing away in a steady stream. Jiao Fei simply made a malicious effort to save this mass of metal essence into colorful gold pills and sent it to the Yin and Yang gourd in one breath. It is also strange that the Yin and Yang gourd received this colorful gold pill, but it was not like ordinary utensils, but it was reduced to abundant aura in the pool of Yin and Yang, but it just disappeared.
However, Jiao Fei can still sense the essence of the hardware that he has cultivated, and the mind moves to cut the demon sword. The essence of the hardware is still handed out from the gourd of Yin and Yang.
Jiao Fei tried to transport the gourd sword tactic. As soon as he received the Yin and Yang gourd, he was immediately absorbed into the abdomen. Just like the original colorful golden pill, he was still able to practice this sword tactic and use several spells of gourd sword tactic.
Jiao Fei couldn’t help but feel a little angry and funny. "If this is the case, wouldn’t it be equivalent to me having an extra abdomen to refine all the true qi into this gourd?" Fortunately, I’m a gourd sword tactic, so I’m in a strange situation. If anything goes wrong, I’ll have to work hard for years. "
Jiao Fei is still thinking that the gourd of Yin and Yang can create the martial arts of Yin and Yang when it reaches the fourth weight. He tried to transport the gourd of Yin and Yang and found that the aura of the yellow camp and the ghost pool is still full of sacrifices. The fourth weight ban is not finished. This pool of Yin and Yang is gradually floating from the water under the impetus of Jiao Fei’s mana. A handsome horse looks somewhat similar to Jiao Fei, but it is like modifying all the imperfect places of this yellow-faced teenager’s body, and there are also some shortcomings that can no longer be picky.
This young man was naked and Jiao Fei tried to find out the true qi, but he was surprised and speechless. This young man, who is somewhat similar to him, is a gourd sword tactic. Although it is the first layer of fetal movement in refining gas, that firm but gentle spirit seems to be more pure than Jiao Fei’s. It’s not strange that Jiao Fei, after all, the cultivation tactic is too complicated. This young man has a hardware essence and natural purity to the extreme.
Jiao Fei, who is rich in aura in the pool of Yin and Yang, created a pool of Yin and Yang, but he didn’t think it was enough, so he pushed the number of pools of Yin and Yang. As one by one, he changed his handsome appearance, which seemed to be even more handsome than that little fairy Qin Yu. The naked boy emerged from the pool of Yin and Yang, and Jiao Fei suddenly realized that the gourd of Yin and Yang was respected as two treasures of the door.
"When the Yin and Yang gourds are sacrificed and refined, they should be in harmony with the true qi. In this way, the Yin and Yang Taoist soldiers made in the future will be able to operate with the true qi, just like the master. In two days, no sect can train such a Taoist soldier, just like the Tianhe Sword Sect can never train a Taoist soldier who has practiced the Tianhe Dharma, and these Yin and Yang Taoist soldiers are made by my own will. For example, if I practice the gourd sword tactic, no matter how many kinds of swords I find, I can be at the mercy of the Yin and Yang Taoist soldiers."
Jiao Fei once thought of these festivals, his forehead suddenly started to sweat. This bottle gourd of Yin and Yang really deserves to be ranked among the top ten treasures in ancient times, and it is also widely famous in the pure Yang series. If it can be sacrificed and refined into a magic weapon, it will be almost the same as the practice of uniting the practice. It is faster to say that the soldiers are incarnated outside the body.
"If it’s not too difficult to sacrifice this instrument, the six Yang deities are not as good as the Yin and Yang gourd."
Chapter VI Qing Di Tong
The Yin-Yang gourd hides enough aura to make dozens of Yin-Yang Taoist soldiers, but this process does not need to be Jiaofei to manage the Yin-Yang nature pool, which can transport and suck the aura of heaven and earth by itself and also make Yin-Yang Taoist soldiers by itself.
Under normal circumstances, the gourd of Yin and Yang always sucks enough to make a soldier of Yin and Yang, and the pool of Yin and Yang will make a soldier of Yin and Yang, but at this moment, the gourd of Yin and Yang is full of aura, so the soldier of Yin and Yang will come out very quickly.
Jiao Fei auditioned several times to make sure that the Yin-Yang gourd was vast and stable. Only then did he hide himself in Yuan Jingfu and the dark cloud pocket, and it moved in the past. This Yin-Yang gourd can be hidden in Dantian without revealing traces, which is higher than the dark cloud pocket. I don’t know how many times it can be hidden like Yuan Jingfu to hold Jiao Fei’s various treasures and things.
It’s normal to collect the Yin-Yang gourd Jiaofei to play with the dark clouds, that is, it’s normal for the six Yang gods to seal the black clouds, and the six Yang gods and the Yin-Yang gourd Jiaofei to sacrifice to the fourth ban. The black clouds also had a four-fold ban, which was broken by the hag demon king’s hand and the sea, and the white cow fell back to the triple ban.
Dark clouds in Jiao Fei’s hands used to be an object-plus-flying device, which can be said in various ways. However, after he got the magic spell of demons, Jiao Fei flew three or four times faster than the four-fold ban on dark clouds. This flying skill can’t be achieved until now. Now he has transferred all his belongings to the gourd of Yin and Yang, and this skill is gone, but Jiao Fei doesn’t want to give up this device.
For one thing, it saves mana than magic. Although the great charm of demons comes and goes as fast as a small cloud, it takes at least five times more mana to fly mana, and it also takes the spell power to fight against the highest wind. For another, Jiao Fei wants to combine the dark cloud pocket with the large array sacrifice of Ziyun after knowing that the princess Aoqing of the Eastern Palace is combined with a set of array sacrifices.
If you can sacrifice successfully, Jiao Fei and so on, if you have one more thing that can fly in the clouds, and you don’t have half a mana to drive the enemy, all kinds of power are second. Jiao Fei doesn’t know that formula can also put aside the idea of refining the dark clouds for a while.

"It’s over!" Ma Laoer whispered 1 outside the door.

The room was quiet. Feng Lei hesitated for a long time, then suddenly pulled the chair in front of him and slammed it at Wu Tianyin. His face was red and he said, "Commander Wu, I was wrong. I knelt down for you. Will you forgive me this time?"
After Feng Lei knelt down, Wu Tianyin glanced at him with his expression and asked in a flat tone, "Do you admit it?"
"I admit that I did it." Feng Lei nodded.
Wu tianyin got up and bent down to look at him. "You are bigger!"
"Commander Wu, I was wrong. I promise I didn’t answer back." Feng Lei knelt straight with his fist clenched.
"You didn’t kneel down today! There is a saying that others give you a good face, but this face is your own. "Wu Tianyin pointed to Feng Lei’s nose and said slowly," Today I let you go, not because you Feng has multiple weights in the allied weight, but purely because the Sichuan army wants to get in! Are you white? "
"white!" Feng Lei nodded.
"bigger!" An Zai yelled.
"I am white with Commander Wu!" Feng Lei loudly replied.
Wu Tianyin turned around Feng Lei and said, "An Zai took the money and let Yang Xiaowei go!"
An Zai nodded.
Say that finish Wu Tianyin pushed the door and left.
Corridor surrounded by a group of people smile happily with beside Wu Tianyin stepped away while chatting.
Feng Lei, holding the stool in the meeting room, got up slowly and his fists clenched slowly for a while before he quickly left with his head down.
Meng Xi, a tea break, said to Wu Tianyin in a low voice, "He has given all his money and his attitude, so let him kneel. Is this …!"
"Do you know that Feng Lei dares to turn against our troops?" Wu tianyin asked
Meng Xi shook his head.
"For them, Wu’s mercenary group is a miscellaneous army officer. Many of them are from Lei’s background, and their loyalty is low." Wu Tianyin turned to Meng Xi and said flatly while eating snacks. "Feng Lei’s digging for me is actually a kind of discrimination. He thinks we are the weakest. Even if it happens, I dare not take anything from him!"
Meng Xi nodded slowly.
"So many forces are working together. If you want to be a coward, others will think you are a urinal." Wu Tianyin frowned and said, "If you hit me, you will hurt him and let him remember the next generation! !”
Meng Xi paused and smiled and said, "Come and have some tea!"
The other end
Shen Fei looked at a number with words in the hospital and hesitated.
Chapter DiYiSiWu Ready to go
Shen Fei’s heart is struggling. He really doesn’t know what to do next.
Chief Zhu of the military intelligence department has been tracking down the cause of death of Shen Yin and has found the right direction, which makes Shen Fei exposed at any time.
Will Shen Wanzhou let himself go if things get out?
No, he will never let himself go.
Shen Wanzhou doted on Shen Fei for a long time and killed him himself. Then Shen Wanzhou will definitely make him want to die.
How can we protect ourselves?
Betray Shen?
Yes, this is a way for Shen Wanzhou to quickly fall into a war criminal and be caught or simply die on the battlefield, so Shen Fei will not suffer his revenge.
But the question is who should Shen Fei take refuge in and betray Shen Wanzhou?
Take refuge in Chuanfu? This can’t be done. Shen Fei knows that his Sichuan government has a deep grudge, from the old triangle incident to the Yandao incident to the fact that Coco was arrested in Jiujiang. If all the dust settles one day, maybe even people like Jiang Xue will not let him go.
Take refuge in He Chong?
This is even worse! Shen Fei was directly involved in the murder of Commander He-although the real mastermind of this incident was Shen Wanzhou, he acted as a "knife" after all. If one day Shen Wanzhou completely collapsed and Shen Fei lost himself, He Chong would definitely get rid of his "knife" himself.
No one wants to watch his father’s killer hanging around in front of his eyes all day.

Of course, he dared to whisper these words in his mind.

The only one in the Taoist Palace who dares to talk back to his father is the beautiful little aunt.
When he first met Qin Mengyao, he was shocked by her beauty. He was out of breath and didn’t admire her.
It was not until later that he saw the fairy elder sister teach the real white dragon with bare hands that he realized that the petite body of this beautiful and moving elder sister had more violent power than the real dragon.
Before that, he would never have thought of a delicate figure of seven feet, such as throwing a real dragon dozens of feet long with one hand holding the dragon horn and swinging it around. It is simply forbidden to watch the picture at the age of ten
Remember when the fairy also saw his one eye, Zhou Yuanliang was only twelve or thirteen years old and almost couldn’t hold back crying.
Of course, there is also a beautiful and unreasonable aunt in Chunyang Daogong, who is 30 years old and elegant and gentle. She also speaks like the misty rain in the West Lake, which makes people feel like eating honey. My Sweetie.
One day, Zhou Yuanliang went to the back hill to pick some wild fruits, and accidentally saw that beautiful aunt who was taking a bath by the cold pool.
He was embarrassed and didn’t come back before he saw that elegant and simple woman turned into a huge white python, and felt the cruelty of broken dreams and reality and returned my childhood.
What’s more, for a moment, he recognized that there were no normal people in Chunyangdao Palace, because Miss Qing Feng, who had been sprouting all the time, jumped and jumped one day when she came to visit. She was very happy that there were six tails behind her.
A tree outside the library grew crooked. It was a lovely day. The girl pulled up the big tree with one hand and then inserted it straight.
It seems that Miss Qingfeng still has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the tree will tilt again one day. At that moment, Zhou Yuanliang’s heart actually collapsed
In the whole Taiyi Mountain, he felt that the most normal thing was quite a heroic brother Geng Qubing.
Even after so much experience, Zhou Yuanliang can’t guarantee whether this seemingly heroic brother is a normal human being.
After many days’ observation in Zhou Yuanliang, it is found that Brother Geng Qubing loves to climb to Yuntai every morning and step on the edge of Yuntai to make a strange posture of golden rooster independence, which is an abyss facing the soles of the vast sea of clouds.
Zhou Yuanliang is always worried about what to do if Brother Geng’s posture is not ready and he falls to the bottom of the abyss.
Of course, in addition to all kinds of strange people or nonhuman people in Daogong, he also saw a sword strung around in the sea of clouds on the mountain peaks and occasionally flew to the library to poke him one by one.
Like a naughty child, it happened that when he grabbed a sword, it flew so high that he couldn’t touch it.
In addition to the troublesome sword, there is also a jade ruyi.
Jade ruyi doesn’t like flying because she walks around like an old pedant.
Sometimes Zhou Yuanliang wants to find it, but when he can’t find it, Jade Ruyi can help him find it.
And every time jade ruyi comes to him, if the sword is there at the same time, he will behave himself without making trouble.
Seems to have some respect for jade ruyi.
Zhou Yuanliang seems to have given him no other spiritual instructions after he was sent here by Li Zhichang to manage his books.
Every time Li Zhichang rings the bell to preach on a whim, he must ask Zhou Yuanliang to listen.
Li Zhichang’s sermons are very messy.
Even though Zhou Yuanliang has a photographic memory, he has read many classics, and there are still many things that he has never heard of.
It is very superficial knowledge to secretly remember and then go to the library to find one-to-one correspondence.
The years in the mountains may have passed a year or more.
On this day, Li Zhichang resumed the altar to preach and call his brother.
This time, perhaps Li Zhi often said that Xuanwei was really a Tathagata, and the lotus flowers all over the place were purple and evolved into the sun, the moon and the stars
Li Zhi often said that he would talk about Zen for a while and occasionally participate in the essence of Confucianism.
All the other disciples listened with a sad face, because what Li Zhichang said was a profound truth. It is not a good talent and beauty, and the readers can’t understand subtlety
These foreign brothers can pass the qualification of standing on the ladder in Li Zhi, but they are all addicted to meditation and practicing foreign kung fu. Although the speed of practice will soon come to Yuan Shen’s enlightenment, they will suffer greatly.
The deeper they practice, the bigger evil influence becomes. Not only can they not bypass it, but they become more entangled and more painful.
On the contrary, Zhou Yuanliang, because there is nothing to repair the Expo group, is indifferent in his heart, and there is no great magic barrier to grasp a thing or two about these deep and subtle words of Li Zhichang.
At this time, the scattered knowledge that I didn’t really understand seemed to be combed by a comb and gradually got a context.
His heart was filled with surprises and he couldn’t help laughing
Li Zhi often stops laughing when he can’t see the laughter, and says, "Yuan Liang, what are you laughing at?"
Zhou Yuanliang understands deeply at the moment, but he looks bitter when he sees the people around him. Even if he has always been unhappy, he is not a little proud.
He is still a teenager, and naturally he is still lively and will not hide it deeply.
Get up and say, "I can’t help but be a little rude when I hear what my father said."
Although Li Zhichang asked Zhou Yuanliang to call him uncle Zhou Yuanliang, he still thought it was better to call him the founder. Li Zhichang let him call him regardless of the details.
Hear Zhou Yuanliang answer Li Zhichang light way "Yuan Liang, you have a photographic memory, you must have read" Old "and recite the first paragraph of Chapter 41".
Zhou Yuanliang was so good that he was ordered to "walk diligently when he heard it; If the sergeant hears the news, he will die; Shi Wen laughed. "
Back here, those outside brothers around couldn’t help laughing.
Zhou Yuanliang can’t help but feel ashamed to take a look at the scene just now. Isn’t he’ Shi Wen Dao laughs’
Li Zhichang gave him a deep look and said, "That’s all for today."
Zhou Yuanliang and Li Zhichang have to criticize him for a few words. I don’t know if they took one look and said nothing, so they can’t help but feel lost.
After these younger brothers left, Qin Mengyao came over with two willow branches in his hand waving at will, which seemed quite interesting.
Li Zhichang took a look at the wicker in her hand, which is a kind wicker in the fairway. Although she is not comfortable with the net bottle in her hand, Yang Liuzhi is not a vulgar thing. If she wants to die, she will be able to survive for some time by this wicker.
I don’t think much. This must be Qin Mengyao’s forcible seizure again.
The two of them are really notorious now
Before Li Zhichang, I don’t know how many doors, families and ancient books were robbed to enrich his library.
It was a few fights with people, but those masters couldn’t stand him. Instead, he and Qin Mengyao teamed up to teach a few bad names to stop.
Qin Mengyao is idle and often finds someone to fight, almost as famous as Qingqing Taia’s sword killing.