
1. **助眠**:柏树果具有独特的香味,用其填充枕头可以助眠,对于改善睡眠质量有显著效果。

2. **驱蚊虫**:柏树果散发的味道蚊虫害怕,因此将其晾干后放在家中蚊虫较多的地方,可以有效驱赶蚊虫。


3. **缓解牙疼**:将柏树果清洗干净后,用适量白醋浸泡,然后将柏树果放在牙疼的位置上,可以缓解牙疼。

4. **洗头**:柏树叶含有天然成分,用开水煮开后用来洗头,可以使头发顺滑清香,长期使用还有助于变黑白发。


5. **药用价值**:柏树果在中医中有着祛风安神、凉血止血的功效,对于感冒发热、胃痛呕吐、烦躁、失眠、劳伤吐血等症状有治疗作用。

6. **净化空气**:柏树果的芳香气味能净化室内空气,减少空气中细菌和病毒的传播,有助于提升居住环境的空气质量。

7. **抗菌消炎**:柏树果中的成分具有抗菌消炎的作用,对于一些轻微的皮肤感染和伤口愈合有帮助。

8. **稳定情绪**:柏树果散发出的香味有助于稳定情绪,减轻压力,对于缓解焦虑和抑郁情绪有积极作用。

9. **降低血压**:柏树果中的某些成分能够帮助降低血压,改善血液循环,对心血管健康有益。

10. **提神醒脑**:柏树果中的香味成分能够提神醒脑,增强精神活力,对于疲劳感有很好的缓解作用。



1. **止咳润肺**:银耳和雪梨都是润肺止咳的食材,银耳中的天然胶体可以保湿肺部,而雪梨性凉味甜,能抑制咳嗽,对于缓解咳嗽症状有很好的效果。

2. **清热解毒**:银耳雪梨红枣汤中的银耳和雪梨都具有清热解毒的作用,可以帮助清除体内热毒,对夏季热病、中暑等有一定的缓解作用。

3. **美容养颜**:红枣富含维生素C和抗氧化成分,有助于促进新陈代谢,加快体内毒素的排出,从而美白皮肤、抗衰老。银耳中的胶原蛋白可以改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更有弹性。

4. **补气养血**:红枣具有补养身体、滋润气血的功效,特别适合女性食用,可以缓解女性贫血的情况。

5. **润肠通便**:雪梨含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进食物消化,有利于肠道蠕动,有助于缓解便秘。

6. **增强免疫力**:红枣、枸杞等食材具有提升身体元气和增强免疫力的作用。

7. **保肝作用**:银耳可以提高肝脏的解毒能力,对肝脏有一定的保护作用。


8. **辅助治疗慢性疾病**:银耳雪梨红枣汤对慢性支气管炎、肺心病等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **强心壮体**:银耳中的营养成分有助于强心、壮身、补脑、提神。

10. **抗癌作用**:雪梨中的膳食纤维有助于排毒防癌。



1. **补中益气**:野兔肉性温,具有补中益气的功效,适合用于治疗身体虚弱、食欲不振等症状。


2. **凉血解毒**:野兔肉性凉,可以起到凉血解毒的作用,对于体内热毒积聚引起的病症,如痘痘、皮肤炎症等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **治疗病后体虚**:野兔肉富含蛋白质和其他营养素,对于病后体虚恢复有一定的促进作用。

4. **消渴**:野兔肉具有一定的降糖作用,对于糖尿病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **小儿痘疹不出**:野兔肉对于小儿痘疹不出、痘疹不易消退等症状有一定的治疗作用。

6. **便血**:野兔肉可以用于治疗便血等消化系统出血的症状。

7. **其他功效**:野兔肉还被认为可以增强免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。



1. 温性增强:干姜经过炒制后,其温性进一步增强。炒制过程中,干姜中的挥发油含量会有所减少,使得其温中散寒的效果更加显著。


2. 温肺化饮:炒制后的干姜能够更好地温肺化饮,对于寒饮咳喘、形寒背冷、痰多清稀等症有较好的疗效。

3. 温中止呕:炒制后的干姜对于脘腹冷痛、寒呕、冷泻等脾胃虚寒的症状有较好的缓解作用。

4. 回阳通脉:炒制后的干姜能够更好地回阳通脉,对于亡阳证、寒喘咳等症有较好的治疗效果。


5. 提高药效:炒制后的干姜可以减少药物对胃的刺激,提高药物在体内的吸收率,使得药效更佳。

6. 改善口感:炒制后的干姜,口感更加香醇,有利于患者长期服用。

7. 增强守而不走的特点:炒制后的干姜,其辛散之性减弱,守而不走的特点更加明显,更适合长期服用。



1. **活血化瘀**:三七中的有效成分能够促进血液循环,消除血液淤滞,常用于治疗跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛、痛经、闭经等病症。

2. **止血**:三七具有止血不留淤、化瘀不伤身的特性,适用于咯血、吐血、鼻血、崩漏、外伤出血等情况。

3. **消肿定痛**:三七可用于胸腹刺痛、跌扑损伤导致的关节红、肿、痛等方面。

4. **抗炎镇痛**:三七中的多种活性成分具有抗炎、镇痛作用,能有效缓解关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病的症状。

5. **抗氧化抗衰老**:三七中的抗氧化成分能清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞老化,保护心脑血管健康。

6. **降血脂、降血压**:三七中的有效成分能降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯水平,扩张血管,降低血压,对高血压患者具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗肿瘤**:三七中的多糖类物质具有抗肿瘤活性,能抑制肿瘤细胞生长和扩散。

8. **增强免疫力**:三七能够提高人体的免疫力,增强抵抗力,对于预防感冒等疾病也有一定的帮助。

9. **保肝、抗炎**:三七具有保肝、抗炎作用。

10. **延缓衰老**:三七中的抗氧化成分能清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞老化。

11. **双向调节血糖、降低血脂、胆固醇、抑制动脉硬化**:三七对糖代谢有双向调节作用,能降低血脂、胆固醇,抑制动脉硬化。

12. **镇静、延缓衰老**:三七具有镇静作用,可延长果蝇平均寿命,提高飞翔能力,降低头部脂褐素含量。

13. **促进蛋白质、核糖核酸(RNA)、脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)合成**:三七能促进蛋白质、RNA、DNA的合成,强身健体。

14. **促进血液细胞新陈代谢**:三七能促进血液细胞新陈代谢,平衡调节血液细胞。


15. **对免疫功能的影响、对代谢的影响**:三七对糖代谢有双向调节作用,对免疫功能有影响。

16. **其他作用**:三七对记忆获得障碍、记忆巩固障碍有一定改善作用;三七皂苷A对大鼠有一定的利尿作用。



1. **丰富的营养素**:红橙含有大量的维生素C、维生素A、维生素E和维生素P,以及丰富的矿物质如钙、铁、磷、钾、钠、镁、锰、锌和硒等。这些营养成分对于维持人体健康至关重要。

2. **抗氧化作用**:红橙中的抗氧化剂如维生素C和维生素E,能够帮助抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化,并可能降低患某些疾病的风险。

3. **增强免疫系统**:维生素C是一种重要的免疫增强剂,可以帮助身体抵抗感染。

4. **改善心血管健康**:红橙中的某些成分,如黄酮类物质,有助于降低血压和胆固醇,减少心血管疾病的风险。

5. **促进消化**:红橙中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘状况,同时也有助于消化。

6. **美容养颜**:维生素E和维生素C对于皮肤健康非常有益,可以改善肤色,增白皮肤,并且有助于防止皮肤老化。

7. **抗氧化防癌**:红橙中的抗氧化物质可能有助于降低癌症风险。

8. **润肺清喉**:红橙的汁液和果肉对于缓解咳嗽、润肺清喉有一定的效果。

9. **解油腻、消积食**:红橙含有一定量的糖分和有机酸,有助于饭后解油腻,消积食。

10. **止渴、醒酒**:红橙的水分丰富,适合口渴时食用,而且对于酒醉不醒者有一定的醒酒作用。


11. **缓解贫血**:红橙中的铁元素有助于缓解贫血症状。

12. **促进食欲**:红橙酸甜可口,适合饭前食用,能够促进食欲。


Sumo also saved her sister?

On Sunday, he coughed lightly, recovered his composure and frowned and asked, "What happened to Yaner? When did he save you?"
"It’s in Red Rain City."
Ji goblin said, "Three years ago, I went to Chiyu City with Gu Yi. Once, while Gu Yi was away, I sneaked out by myself. I didn’t expect to meet six bad guys. If Su Gong didn’t appear, I would be miserable."
Say that finish her demon seems to be concerned to vomit incense and tongue.
This remark was half-true, but for Su Mo’s personal experience, he would not doubt it.
And look at Sunday and Ji Yaoxue. Su Mo realized that these two people didn’t know Ji Yaoxue’s legacy!
"You child!"
Some nai shook his head on Sunday.
Ji goblin continued, "After I chased Su Gong’s residence and origin, I wanted my father to reward him heavily, but Su Gong just left me for a long time and didn’t find it."
"Ah, I know!"
Ji goblin showed a sudden color, clapped his hands and laughed. "Father, did you know about this and deliberately found Su Gong to reward him?"
Sunday silent wry smile in my heart.
No matter whether this Su Mo deceives you or slays the imperial army, this man saved his two daughters after all.
The attitude towards Su Mo in the coming Sunday is somewhat complicated, and the mind of slaying is not very firm.
Now it has happened again. Sunday has completely given up killing Su Mo.
But he was worried about another thing.
Sunday eyes in his two daughters and Sue ink three people turned a circle in the heart light sigh.
Think a little Sunday sink. "Smoke son, I have something important to find Su Mo. You haven’t seen your sister for a long time. You two go out first."
"But what about him? It’s hard to see Su Gong. I can’t let him run away again. "
Ji goblin pursed her mouth and put her arms through Su Mo’s arms to hold her tight.
Two soft squeezing arms with a hint of warmth and elasticity Su Mo’s body froze.
Zhou Tiannai said, "Don’t worry, I’ll let him go after a few words with him."
"Thank you, Father"
Ji goblin smiled sweetly and walked to the side, pulling Ji Yaoxue’s small hand and laughing. "Come on, sister, let’s wait outside."
Jiyaoxue nodded.
Since Zhou Tianken said so, Su Mo’s natural life worries Ji Yaoxue and finally she can rest assured.
The two sisters left Tingyuxuan hand in hand.
Chapter three hundred and twenty Don’t understand cheating goblins
"You are also dispersed."
Ji Yaoxue’s two sisters waved on Sunday after listening to Yu Xuan.
Vultures, Bai Yuhan, and a group of imperial guards all bowed down and withdrew from the porch, leaving Sunday and Su Mo.
"Don’t you have no spiritual root practice?"
"Some chances are wrong."
"Who taught you this?"
"Now I am a dimly discernible peak brother."
"The misty peak is very rare."
Sunday nodded.
Dimly discernible peak is one of the five gates, but there has hardly been any severe brother in the refining device.

Tiangang taught the elders, "If the dragon and the emperor fought hard and lost both sides, the ancestors of Emperor’s family didn’t dare to show up, let alone succeed!"

The Yuan Zong teenager looked cold and said, "Be careful, old man. It’s not for you to criticize Mahayana bodhi old zu!"
"You two must quarrel about this little thing."
The man in fenglei temple said simply, "We have come here for something else, so we should join forces with Qi Xin."
"That’s the way it should be."
Jianzong Nvxiu nodded. "I heard that there is another monk living in two temples at the bottom of the buried dragon valley, who is the bodhi old zu Mahayana. If we want to capture the wild martial arts, we must pass him first."
"Ah …"
The Yuan Zong teenager pouted, "What’s so terrible about an old man whose qi and blood are failing and Shou Yuan will be exhausted!"
His words are naturally a double word.
On the surface, it is said that the old monk buried at the bottom of the dragon valley is actually mocking the elders of the plough Sect.
"Jie Jie, you Xianmen like to fight so much, just play a game."
A gloomy smile came from a distance.
Then a dark ShaQi emerge in front of four people into a figure!
The devil teaches great power!
Next to the great power of the underground demon religion, a vague figure appears faintly, and the breath is horrible and extremely dangerous!
Stealing the door is powerful!
In a blink of an eye, it’s already a six-person fit!
Just then, a Buddhist name came.
In the distance, a monk in plain robes paced in the sky, seemingly at a very slow speed, but in a blink of an eye, he has come near!
Xiangsi is powerful!
A breeze blew and sent a faint fragrance, which was very delicious.
But the seven great powers present frowned and looked slightly different, holding their breath!
A coquettish woman came here, dressed in colorful clothes, looking good and smelling good.
If you concentrate on it, you will find that the colorful clothes that women cultivate themselves can actually move!
Poison gate is powerful!
I don’t know how much poison she’s hiding!
The combination of the big super clan door is great!
"Let’s all get to the Liuli Palace in Zhongzhou, which is located in the north area. Why hasn’t anyone arrived recently?" Mix Yuan Zong teenager frown asked.
Poison gate can smile with a charming smile. "I just got a message. It is said that the two statues of Liuli Palace fit together and have bad luck. I don’t know how the strong dragon has been killed by the town!"
The presence of fit power frowned and looked dignified.
Poison gate can say with smile, "You don’t have to worry about hearing that the strong dragon has returned to the valley of dragon bones."
They look a little slow.
"I heard that the bottom of the buried dragon valley is ominous. The friends of the glazed palace are really unlucky. They are unlucky before they arrive. Haha"
Mix Yuan Zong boy smiled.
He was trying to ease the atmosphere and mood.
I didn’t expect this sentence to be finished, but it was a change of look!
The consciousness in everyone’s mind recalls many theories from the bottom of the buried dragon valley.
I heard that there were people who could enter it in those years, but they didn’t come out alive!
"Ladies and gentlemen, since we have arrived here, we can’t go home with our hands."
The man in Fenglei Hall said, "I heard that the old monk who buried the dragon at the bottom of the valley has lost his blood and oil. We don’t have to worry!"
The statue’s powerful body flashes and whizzes past the ruins of Dagan
Almost the blink of an eye has already arrived at the burial dragon valley!
Heavy fog filled the valley where the dragon was buried.
All of them are fit and powerful, and they can operate independently. The eyes are big and generate gives a series of divine lights!
The divine light disappeared into the dense fog and soon disappeared without causing a ripple.
This dense fog is caused by the anger and blood condensation of several powerful people in the catastrophe thousands of years ago, which can block the gods’ knowledge and sight!
"I’m sorry that a benefactor has come all the way, but I’m too old to meet you. I hope you will forgive me."
Just then a sound came from the bottom of the valley.
Chapter one thousand and fifty-four Confrontation!
Someone is buried at the bottom of the dragon valley!
In the past ten thousand years, the theory of burying the dragon valley has emerged one after another
With some strong people entering the dragon valley and never coming to bury the dragon valley again, many mysteries are added.

"Heard" Yu Wanqing nodded with a straight face.

Qin Yu poured Yu Wanqing a glass of wine and bent down to sit back. "I accepted the price of 200 million in Wu Di."
"They are asking for feedback."
"It’s not Wu Di but World War II," Qin Yu emphasized.
Yu Wanqing hands without saying anything.
"Uncle, I think I don’t want a penny of this 200 million purchase money on my side." Qin Yu said gravely, "It’s right to take out 30 million yuan for the high-level people who have been busy for so long to get some big bonuses and give other money to the family."
Yu Wanqing dazed a "it’s not necessary? The layer not only takes care of you, but also takes care of us. Tiancheng Group’s profitability can always be very good, which is inseparable from politics. We also have to repay the debt. In addition to the pharmaceutical industry, you have to share the money with the construction company and the trading company. "
"Uncle is like this …"
"Let’s divide it according to the proportion of shares, so it’s fair that others can’t find fault," Yu Wanqing said in a businesslike manner.
"The core of Uncle Tiancheng Group is the pharmaceutical industry and this industrial politics is given by Wu Di; Technical operation plus part of the capital investment is given by the family, and you should account for the bulk. "Qin Yu said seriously," In addition to these things, we have personal feelings. You helped me acquire Yaoguang Security, and I have an independent division today; When you decided to move your family from Jiangzhou to Songjiang, you got today’s Tianchengtuan. I remember everything in my heart. You should take this amount of money from your family. Don’t refuse or you will make me shameful. "
"Xiaoyu, when I say this, I’ll talk to you." Yu Wanqing drank half a glass of white wine on his back and turned to look at Qin Yu and said, "From the business point of view, it’s right to be at home with you. It’s obvious to all that Tianchengtuan has given us dividends in recent years. It’s far beyond what you expected when you first got together. You haven’t wronged us in money, interests and status in Tianchengtuan, but if you want to believe in your feelings, you owe a lot and you can’t afford it!"
Qin Yu was right when he heard this.
"Have you ever seen a partner with his family world to run with you? Have you ever seen a partner who has a good money and does not earn it to engage in any political struggle with you? " Yu Wanqing said with some excitement, "If you talk about Qian Keke a few years ago, you can accept the party and government conditions and rejoin the team with Tiancheng shares. You must always worry in Songjiang that the yamen will cut a sharp knife in your head." It’s just a partner in interest. If it’s good, it’s not good. Then it’s over. "
Qin Yuwen immediately replied, "Uncle, you misunderstood me. I didn’t give this money to settle accounts with my brothers, nor did I want to pay back my feelings and feelings with this 170 million yuan. I don’t know how to make up for your efforts. Do you understand?"
Yu Wanqing smell dazed one.
"Uncle, you mean I’m white." Qin Yu said seriously after a long silence. "I’ll give it to you."
"It’s like a human saying," Yu Wanqing sighed. "Forget it and drink."
Qin Yuwen immediately poured Yu Wanqing wine "… I accompany you to drink good uncle today"
"Don’t fucking do this" Yu Wanqing pie mouth scold a way "you just let me get upset less"
Sha Jia, the first member of the General Political Department meeting of the ninth district military department, made an active contact with some "anti-Chen forces" in the seventh district in the economic, political and military exhibition.
This proposal was immediately supported by most senior executives of the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang-Luhan Military Department in a war zone, and the commander of the World War II area Zhou was able to agree to the Shajia proposal under the pressure of the general trend.
After the meeting.
Shen Yin went home in a huff and saw his father and his cousin in the room.
"Xiaofei, it’s settled. Go out first." Shen Wanzhou said to his nephew.
"Good" looks ordinary and not tall. Shen Fei nodded at uncle and turned around and said hello to Shen Yin. "Then I’ll go first."
"Well" Shen Yin nasal hum a.
Shen Fei pushed the door and left with a smile.
After people left, Shen Yin finally could not control his emotions. "Dad, what do you mean? Sha Yong just arranged for Yang He to be the second in command of Songjiang without you and took over part of my profits. What is this? "
Shen Wanzhou saw his one eye and picked up the cup.

The whole fortress immediately threw off the chaos at the first contact and started to run quickly.

All kinds of array power flashing fortress guns constantly blew out terrorist beams around.
The old man looked awed and quickly came to a secret room in the deepest part of the fortress, where there was a small sending array.
He quickly walked into the sending array, and the huge Daoyuan rushed out in the late period of the virtual period, and the sending array suddenly flashed with harsh brilliance.
He has detected the situation outside, and the whole fortress has been directly swallowed by a huge monster, and now the fortress is located in the belly of this tentacle monster.
The monster was unmatched by others, and he immediately thought of running away.
Send array light suddenly flashed and then went out, revealing the array was indecision old man.
Send array failed!
The old man’s face is ugly. Compared with this situation, the surrounding virtual space is locked by this monster’s power interference and broken according to his strength method.
"Big trouble!"
The old man’s eyes flashed and he quickly walked out of the Chamber of Secrets and came to a core control room, which is the core of all the arrays in the fortress.
At this time, there was a panic here, and dozens of monks in the minimum fit period constantly manipulated various laws here, and from time to time a burst of panic shouting broke out.
"The third defense array is destroyed!"
"Attack groups one to five are damaged."
"The No.6 annihilation gun is damaged!"
Seeing the old man coming, they finally calmed down a little.
"Meet the bodhi old zu!"
They all said the same thing, but they didn’t leave their posts or stop working.
"Very well, everyone listen to my call! Course around the circle and fortress gun power input Daoyuan together without my command don’t stop, in addition, we will blow all the energy to break the blockade outside. "The old man ordered a face of lofty sentiments and suddenly waved his arms.
"Yes!" Everyone’s morale is high at once. Since the bodhi old zu is so lofty and lofty, it must be possible.
Soon the terror wave emanated from the fortress.
The old man’s eyes flashed a unwilling malicious folded casually took out a black disc and pressed it toward the ground.
Immediately, the whole ground emerged a series of vertical and horizontal gray-black lines to quickly form a huge circle.
All the energy input by everyone is inhaled by this large array, even the elderly are no exception.
A moment later, there was a huge noise and the whole fortress exploded directly!
This is the self-explosion function!
The fortress was added with self-explosion function by Yu Guihai during refining.
When you encounter an unmatched enemy, all the forces of Kehe Fortress activate the explosive array, and instantly burst into terror, which can cause mutually assured destruction to the unmatched powerful enemy.
The terrible power generated by the explosion instantly tore the surrounding gray mucus blockade and swallowed up the fortress. The monster’s body was blown through and a huge number of fragments burst out.
One of the black lights flashed away and disappeared in the distance.
"Gollum ~ ~ ~"
The monster gave a strange cry, and the huge body gushed out, exhausted the gray mucus and quickly made up the wound. The whole body quickly recovered and slowly disappeared into the void.
Far away, a huge colorful fortress, a secret room, Yu Guihai suddenly opened his eyes and his face changed slightly
"Fortress 17 destroyed itself!"
He disappeared in the chamber of secrets in a flash.
There is a room full of sending the array, and several people on duty are closely monitoring the array.
Suddenly, the black light of a magic circle flashed to reveal a virtual shadow of a black disk!
Their face changed and they exclaimed, "This is the highest-level letter! Tell the bodhi old zu quickly! "
"No need!"
Suddenly, a sound came to Yu Guihai and suddenly appeared in front of the queue, reaching out and grabbing at the virtual shadow of the black disk.
A piece of information flowed into his mind.
"There is such a monster!"
Yu Guihai couldn’t help whispering and then looked at the crowd and ordered, "Immediately strengthen the alert of fortresses everywhere and report this information to the past at the same time."
"Yes!" They obeyed and then copied the information to get busy.
Yu Guihai, on the other hand, instantly appeared outside the big day number, and the ghost shuttle flashed out and flew in the direction of the accident fortress.
This information sent to fortresses everywhere immediately caused many high-level vibrations.
They didn’t expect that the war would suddenly appear twists and turns and lose an important fortress as soon as it appeared
They became nervous in succession, because the previous war successfully killed several Kusu monsters, which led to impetuous people and dissipated at this time.