
1. **抗氧化作用**:多酚能够清除体内的自由基,这些自由基是导致细胞老化和许多慢性疾病的主要原因。多酚的抗氧化能力可以保护细胞免受氧化应激的伤害。

2. **预防慢性疾病**:由于多酚的抗氧化特性,它们有助于预防包括心血管疾病、癌症和糖尿病在内的多种慢性疾病。


3. **降血压、降血脂和降胆固醇**:多酚能够帮助调节血液中的脂肪和胆固醇水平,从而有助于降低血压和血脂,减少心血管疾病的风险。

4. **改善心血管健康**:多酚有助于扩张血管,改善血液循环,减少血液中坏胆固醇的含量,从而降低心血管疾病的风险。

5. **保护皮肤**:多酚有助于保护皮肤免受紫外线等环境因素的伤害,减缓皮肤衰老过程。

6. **降低血糖**:研究表明,多酚可以抑制碳水化合物的消化和吸收,有助于控制血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

7. **抗菌抗病毒**:多酚具有一定的抗菌和抗病毒作用,可以增强人体免疫系统。

8. **抗癌和抗突变作用**:多酚通过抗氧化和调节基因表达等途径,可能有助于预防癌症和抑制肿瘤的生长。

9. **调节免疫功能**:多酚可以增强人体免疫功能,提高抗病能力。

10. **抗辐射损伤**:多酚有助于减轻辐射对细胞的损伤。




1. **丰富的营养素**:红橙含有大量的维生素C、维生素A、维生素E和维生素P,以及丰富的矿物质如钙、铁、磷、钾、钠、镁、锰、锌和硒等。这些营养成分对于维持人体健康至关重要。

2. **抗氧化作用**:红橙中的抗氧化剂如维生素C和维生素E,能够帮助抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化,并可能降低患某些疾病的风险。

3. **增强免疫系统**:维生素C是一种重要的免疫增强剂,可以帮助身体抵抗感染。

4. **改善心血管健康**:红橙中的某些成分,如黄酮类物质,有助于降低血压和胆固醇,减少心血管疾病的风险。

5. **促进消化**:红橙中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘状况,同时也有助于消化。

6. **美容养颜**:维生素E和维生素C对于皮肤健康非常有益,可以改善肤色,增白皮肤,并且有助于防止皮肤老化。

7. **抗氧化防癌**:红橙中的抗氧化物质可能有助于降低癌症风险。

8. **润肺清喉**:红橙的汁液和果肉对于缓解咳嗽、润肺清喉有一定的效果。

9. **解油腻、消积食**:红橙含有一定量的糖分和有机酸,有助于饭后解油腻,消积食。

10. **止渴、醒酒**:红橙的水分丰富,适合口渴时食用,而且对于酒醉不醒者有一定的醒酒作用。


11. **缓解贫血**:红橙中的铁元素有助于缓解贫血症状。

12. **促进食欲**:红橙酸甜可口,适合饭前食用,能够促进食欲。



1. **装饰与提升气质**:花珀色泽美丽,质地晶莹剔透,拥有丰富的纹路和图案变化,佩戴在身上不仅具有装饰效果,还能增添佩戴者的美丽、浪漫气息,提升气质,使其看起来端庄典雅,增加亲和力。

2. **寓意平安**:花珀属于琥珀的一种,琥珀是佛教七宝之一,对于常常外出的人们来说,佩戴花珀是保平安的象征。

3. **缓解情绪**:花珀佩戴在身上,与皮肤摩擦,可以起到按摩的效果,缓解情绪,使人身心放松,静气凝神。同时,花珀还有美容养颜的功效,可以使皮肤变得光滑细腻。

4. **增添自信**:花珀作为一种珍贵的文玩之物,在古代被视为权威和地位的象征。长期佩戴,可以让佩戴者看起来更有自信,提升生活品味和气质魅力。

5. **美容护肤**:花珀含有丰富的氨基酸和微量元素,可以起到嫩白肌肤的作用,长期佩戴可以使皮肤变得嫩滑。

6. **安神助眠**:花珀中的营养物质可以作用于大脑,调节睡眠,对失眠多梦、神经衰弱者有很好的功效。

7. **舒缓压力**:花珀上的香气可以缓解情绪,释放内心负能量,减轻压力。



8. **滋养身体**:花珀含有大量矿物质和微量元素,可以滋养身体。

9. **治疗病症**:花珀在临床上主要适用于治疗心神不宁、心悸失眠、惊风、癫痫等症状,还可以用于治疗痛经、经闭、心腹刺痛、癓瘕积聚等症状,以及淋症、癃闭等。

10. **护肤美容、延缓衰老**:花珀长期与身体接触、摩擦,会形成保护膜,同时释放负离子,促进血液循环,保持皮肤水分,有助于护肤美容和延缓衰老。



1. **抗菌消炎**:大蒜中含有的大蒜素具有强大的抗菌消炎作用,能够抑制或杀灭多种细菌,如大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等,有助于预防肠道感染。

2. **降低血脂**:大蒜能够降低血液中的胆固醇水平,有助于预防动脉硬化和冠心病。

3. **软化血管**:醋中的醋酸有助于软化血管,降低血压,对心血管系统有益。

4. **预防感冒**:冬季和春季,经常食用醋泡大蒜,可以增强免疫力,预防感冒。

5. **防癌抗癌**:大蒜中的有效成分可以激活人体巨噬细胞,加强免疫力,从而提高机体抵抗力,对防癌抗癌有一定的积极作用。


6. **开胃助消化**:蒜醋泡制后的食物口感酸甜,能够刺激食欲,帮助消化。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:蒜醋泡制食物有助于促进新陈代谢,对减肥有一定的帮助。

8. **调味佳品**:蒜醋泡制食物不仅可以作为小吃,还能作为调味品,增加菜肴的风味。


– **选择优质原料**:选择新鲜的大蒜和优质陈醋,以确保泡制出的蒜醋品质。

– **适量食用**:虽然蒜醋泡制食物有诸多益处,但过量食用可能会对胃部产生刺激,特别是对于有胃溃疡、胃炎或胃酸过多的人群。

– **泡制方法**:蒜醋泡制需要一定的时间,通常需要几天到几周的时间,确保大蒜充分吸收醋的成分。

– **保存条件**:泡制好的蒜醋应放在阴凉干燥处,密封保存,避免阳光直射和高温。


"If you have a child, you will have a problem. Those people can’t wait. Don’t worry, the whole country will have to be celebrated by our unborn grandson or granddaughter."

If Yang Guang’s future child is born, he will surely win the love of heaven and earth.
Thousands of pets are in one body.
More importantly, this so-called merits of heaven and earth or so-called faith will protect him.
It can be said that even if Rongyu is attacked by people, there is no possibility of so-called "abortion"
Because it is not only the crystallization of Yang Guang and Rong Yu’s love, but also the crystallization of this world. With Yang Guang completely having a life extension in this fighter world, there is a so-called tie.
The continuation of life is also the continuation of this fighter world.
Of course, compared with normal people, Yang Guang can live for thousands of years now in Shou Yuan, if he can achieve Emperor Wu.
This is where the fighters are strong, and it is also a genetic modification.
Full of limited activity
Chapter one hundred and sixty Pseudo-gods
Yang guang finally resisted anxious to return’s impulse to bury the strong feelings of missing deeply in his heart.
Now is not the time to discuss children’s affair.
She Xiao Jia da Jia
These things come to him, and he has not been waiting for the Xu Fujun’s wool, but has chosen some bosses who have reached the level of Wu Zun.
Is god helps those who help themselves, finally let Yang guang know an important thing.
That’s something that belongs to the northern world.
In addition, Yang Guang also learned about some processes through his golden finger.
There are core requirements for intermediate fighters to be promoted to advanced fighters.
That is the so-called affiliated small world thing.
So far, the dragon world has been able to make those people believe in the dragon god to a degree of 45%
That is to say, there are still half of the early people who do not believe in the so-called dragon god.
Of course, more people are still on the sidelines, and a little rub is stubborn, but Yang Guang in Feilong is not particularly concerned, because it will be done slowly sooner or later.
In particular, the so-called Yan Bo and the chosen tiger will become stronger and stronger.
With more and more fighters around them.
That is to say, to follow them, to believe in the dragon myth, there is meat to eat.
It has attracted the attention and belief of several people to be able to project the avatar in the so-called world in another world and raise some people to the realm of martial arts.
Everyone wants to be the so-called Xin Yuner.
Even Yang Guang knows a new world, the so-called Xiangyun world, and he can know who the world can quickly gain several people’s beliefs.
Dong Tianjun
What’s more, there’s the one who pays fat, and the other people are surprised by the wind and waves
They are risking their lives if they dare to do so. At the very least, this warrior world is working hard. Of course, there is a long way to go. So far, the man who believes in the dragon god has reached 40%.
Xiangyun Holy Land dominates the sky, yes, but it can’t affect everyone, because those people are not so-called puppets, but really have their own thoughts.
Only by gradually giving some people enough respect can more people believe in the dragon god.
Of course, there are also some forces to control some small worlds.
On the contrary, those pure human worlds are more difficult without practitioners in the world.
Because the level of Wu Zong is restricted to the highest level, it is called a military commander. However, although most of the military commanders are not afraid of the so-called hot weapons, they are relatively speaking.
More importantly, the number of military commanders in the whole fighters world is limited, and it is impossible to enter thousands of military commanders and travel to that small world.
It’s just dozens of military commanders. The so-called influence is still limited.
It’s a little troublesome
But it’s still in progress anyway.

"Yu Zhen Qing Zhu Yue Ji looks like I’m leaving for a while again. This emperor’s daughter was given a gift, but she had to guard her this time. Fortunately, with this large array of guardians, I don’t worry about your safety."

Looking at the three talents, I said in my heart that I know that this guardian is afraid of another fierce battle, but it is very dangerous, but I have to help myself.
"My husband doesn’t worry about us, we will take care of ourselves, and we will also take care of Qingqiushan. My husband should be careful. If something happens, he should not get away immediately."
Yu Zhen looked soft and worried when he heard Gao Cai’s words.
"Brother Gao, you should be careful!"
Bamboo eyes sad light said in the heart is a percentage don’t want to go to the leaker Gao Cai is also know that should not be stopped.
"Be careful!"
After two people say that finish, Yue Ji wants to say something. After hesitating for half a day, he gently said three words.
"Don’t worry, I will take care of myself!"
Looking at the three men, Gao Cai smiled and settled down. After three people’s minds, they turned into light and flew away in the distance. After flying for half a day, Gao Cai came to this good scroll hole.
At this time, the whole Shanjuan Cave has been surrounded by a cold atmosphere, and the whole world has been shrouded in a huge golden light curtain before the entrance of the cave. In this light curtain, a huge shining golden god will look solemn and cold.
Glanced at this huge screen, Gao Cai looked slightly like a condensate and secretly praised a good law. Although I don’t know the name of this law, the power it sends out is not underestimated.
"Hehe, please come in when Xiaoyou comes!"
When Gao Cai looked at this array, a golden curtain slowly appeared in the sound of a bright and clear sound so that Gao Cai could walk in.
When I went in, I saw that there were three people in the cave. These three people were all ancient crowns and ancient bodies, and they smelled of vicissitudes of life. Two of them gave people a strange and strange feeling of wind and rain.
Slightly a feeling look a clot these people actually have Jin Xian repair, among which there is a martial arts master who can’t help but say "being original has seen several predecessors."
"Hehe, Daoyou is too much of a guest set!"
See salute before these people also dare not too much, mostly got up and said with a smile.
"Ha ha, Gao Xiaoyou, don’t be polite to hear that you have achieved great success, and your potential in the future will be poor, and your fighting capacity will no longer be equal!"
One of them, a middle-aged man with a budo breath, smiled and spoke the thoughts in everyone’s heart.
"Ha ha, I’d like to introduce this is Fufeng Wudaoxiu, who is already immortal and strong in Jin Xian."
Seeing Ran Min and Gao Cai talking, they were introduced before the volume was introduced, and then they looked at the other two and said with a smile, "These two are Fengbo and Yu Shi, and they are also Gu Jinxian."
After listening to the introduction of this good volume, Gao Cai couldn’t help but smile bitterly. I didn’t expect that these people were all ancient great magical powers. This Fufeng clan leader said that it seemed to be beheaded by Shun. I didn’t expect that it was still there and it would be difficult to practice martial arts to a long habitat. If I hadn’t got the chaotic stone, I would be afraid to break through this step.
Not to mention the rain master in Fengbo, but the great avatar in the emperor’s period is not uncle rain, the mother-in-law of heaven and earth.
"Ha ha, this promise has finally come!"
Just when Gao Cai shook, Shanjuan suddenly chuckled, and a ripple flashed in this smile. A rough figure wrapped in leopard skin appeared in front of everyone
"Liu Boqin? !”
Looking at what people just look a surprised slightly shock way
"Ha-ha, Xiaoyou was in a hurry before here. I didn’t expect Xiaoyou to have such a repair, but it’s gratifying!"
See Gao Cai surprised sample Liu Boqin greeted with a smile.
"Little friends don’t have to be surprised that this Liu Boqin is the Xu You!"
Good volume before explained with a smile.
"Xu You wash your ears that Xu You! ?” Gao Cai thought of an allusion and couldn’t help asking questions.
"Ha ha, it’s good that this fake lofty guy is good. Let’s discuss defense together. This time, I’m afraid many people will come to make trouble to stop the emperor from being born!"
Good volume ha ha a smile and then eyebrows slightly wrinkled about this business.
When they hear the words of good volume, they also pack up and look dignified, waiting for orders from good volume.
I didn’t know in my heart until I saw everyone’s high looks that these people were all Terran masters. In ancient times, I followed the Terran Emperor through difficulties and created a prosperous situation for Terran today.
Therefore, they have deeper feelings for the Terran emperor and attach more importance to the birth of the emperor, otherwise these people will not come out of semi-seclusion one after another
"In those days, there were many enemies in the Yellow Emperor’s position. These people are now the great magical powers who dominate one side. Although they may not come in person, they will also send masters to stop this time. I have already laid four elephants to lock up a large array. This array is a defensive array. It is necessary for four Jin Xian experts to join hands to suppress the array. Fortunately, Fufeng’s Fengbo Rain Master, this high friend, has Jin Xian’s fighting capacity to defend the large array. As a result, the four of you will be in four different situations. When the time comes, you will need to help each other.
It is said that Zhongshan looks at Gao Cai’s four eyes with hidden expectations and instructions.
"The sage can rest assured that it will be guarded!"
I didn’t know this guardian duty until I heard the good words. It will be really dangerous and abnormal. If I am not careful, I will be dragged down by the wheel war.
"We also hinder Master Shanjuan. Don’t worry!"
Three other people also nodded slightly said there is no problem.
"Four Elephants Lock the Great Array with a guardian. I want to help the emperor and daughter transform their bodies and restore their sanity. I also want to suppress demons. I can’t disturb them at that time. What I am worried about now is that those who may have great magical powers will isolate the aura of heaven and earth and even reverse the forces of yin and yang. You must guard against these."
After the four men were commanded by Gao Cai, they looked at Xu You and said slowly, Xu You also nodded heavily, knowing that it was dangerous, and they were afraid that some people would not want the emperor’s daughter to be born and would isolate the aura and reverse the yin and yang, and then the emperor’s daughter would learn the aura to protect herself. At that time, it would be really dangerous to destroy these guarantees and ensure that the emperor’s daughter was born smoothly.
"In that case, thank you for your friends!"
Good roll with that, he bowed down to the crowd and said solemnly and solemnly, then the whole good roll hole was decorated, and the four creatures of Qinglong White Tiger Xuanwu Suzaku were reified in the virtual. When these four beasts appeared, they suddenly shook the square and projected a light to condense the four spirits.
After the formation of the four great beasts, they quickly ran and flew around the Shanjuan Cave in the virtual space, and gradually formed a huge chaotic world in the middle of the circle. This chaotic world slowly evolved into a poor star, and the twinkling of stars slowly covered up the whole Shanjuan Cave.

The fracture sounded very frightening.

Tang Ziyi’s shoulder was smashed by a bald monk and his whole arm could not move.
"Hey, hey, you still dare to talk to your little lover in the siege of my three people?"
Bald monk strange smile at first more sharp.
Tang Ziyi was hit hard by middle-aged Taoist priests, and his strength was greatly reduced. He was stretched by the siege of three people.
Now it’s been abandoned by a bald monk, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous, and life is hanging by a thread!
Su Mo took one look at Tang Ziyi and looked back at Yunting lightly. "I’m sorry you can’t win."
Chapter two thousand and one Yuan Shen Ning Jian
For Su Mo, it is the simplest direct solution to violence to urge the blood to sacrifice the blood vision, and Yun Ting’s hard shake is natural.
Moreover, he believes that Yun Ting’s blood sword vision can definitely be defeated with the blessing of the avatar of Six Teeth.
But it is only to defeat.
Su Mo was not sure to kill a county king.
Because he doesn’t know how many cards and treasures Yun Ting still has.
If the law kills Yun Ting’s Chenghua violet, it will be exposed
Su Mo Yun Ting’s contact time is not long. Throughout this person, although he is proud and conceited, he is still open and aboveboard from the end, and there is no cruel and complicated mind.
But Sumo dare not gamble!
No one knows better than him how to kill the violet once it is exposed.
The scene of soaring still often appears in his mind, and it is still a little scary to think of it today.
An accident violet attracts not only the cloud king, but also other fairy kings!
Su Mo can’t afford to rob and kill again like this now.
Of course, even if he doesn’t release the blood vision, he has other means!
This means more intense and violent!
Su Mo’s eyes twinkled between the eyes and generate showed a terrible fluctuation of knowledge.
"Did the Yuan God attack?"
Yun Ting sensed an abnormal instant and guessed Su Mo’s mind.
But he didn’t put it in his heart. He shook his head slightly and said, "It’s a good idea to want to move the occult arts of the Yuan God, but you are still naive."
"I have long sensed that your Yuanshen realm has reached the fairy level, but you may not know that my Yuanshen realm has already broken through to the fairy level!"
As soon as the voice fell, Yun Ting stopped hiding and slowly exuded a huge god’s knowledge and coercion
The land is double!
Yuan Shen is the most difficult to cultivate.
It is almost impossible for the Yuan God to cultivate himself in the world.

This is the power of the dragon’s nine flashes.

Su Mo, the secret method of cultivating the fourth-order fairy, has been released seven times in a row, which has caused great threat and oppression to the blue-shirted children.
The blue boy looked at the law to avoid the eyes, and the backhand sword stabbed Su Mo’s eyebrows!
Su Mo stretched out the palm of his hand and covered it with nine days’ rest. He grabbed the sword and held it directly!
The sword crossed the soil for nine days, and there was a sharp sound of Mars!
The blue boy urges qi and blood to release all the strength. The sword is still a way to break away from Su Mo’s palm, let alone pierce the sea.
A panic finally passed through the blue boy’s eyes
He is good at assassination, concealment, and how strong the fighting force broke out in the frontal struggle.
But now he is suppressed by Su Mo’s dragon’s nine flashes, and he can be forced to fight.
As soon as Shu met the blue boy, he felt that Su Mo was terrible. He had almost no chance of winning in the frontal battle!
The blue boy instantly makes a judgment, does not hesitate and decisively condenses God’s knowledge, and directly erupts into Yuan Shen’s occultism without saying a word!
In his view, this yuan god hermetic will be hit hard even if it can’t be killed by Su Mo.
If Su Mo Yuan Shen is injured, his fighting power will be greatly affected, and he can get away smoothly.
When the time comes, if he doesn’t win Tianhe Post, Sandy can kill Su Mo!
The blue boy has a good idea, but he knows too little about Su Mo, and he doesn’t realize what the consequences will be if he releases this secret skill of Yuan Shen!
Su Mo noticed that the blue-shirted boy released Yuan Shen’s secret art, and he did not hesitate to offer the same Yuan Shen’s secret art-lamella!
His Yuan-Shen realm had reached the sixth-order fairy peak.
It has released the six-tooth divine power, and the power of Yuan Shen has reached the peak of the seventh-order fairy!
The impact of the release of the lamella on the blue shirt children is almost devastating!
The collision of the two great yuan gods in occult sciences instantly changed the boy’s face like being struck by lightning, and he trembled and his eyes suddenly dimmed.
The blue boy spit out a big mouthful of blood.
The dragon will die if it touches the scales.
Although the blue boy didn’t die on the spot, Yuan Shen has emerged a series of cracks that may collapse at any time!
Su Mo didn’t give him any respite. The previous sword pointed at the eyebrows of the blue boy.
A firm but gentle generate instantly pierced his head and killed Yuan Shen!
Su Mo conveniently pocketed the blue children’s bag.
At the same time, Win Sky and Post Sandy have broken through the Nine Dragons, Linggui Shield God Burn and blocked them from being killed again!
Falling forest has come to Su Mo’s side.
"Su Mo hands over Pu!"
Win the day, drink a lot, and be awesome.
Su Mo didn’t even think about it. The sword tactic in his hand didn’t disperse. A backhand chop!
God damn firm but gentle explosion!

Sumo also saved her sister?

On Sunday, he coughed lightly, recovered his composure and frowned and asked, "What happened to Yaner? When did he save you?"
"It’s in Red Rain City."
Ji goblin said, "Three years ago, I went to Chiyu City with Gu Yi. Once, while Gu Yi was away, I sneaked out by myself. I didn’t expect to meet six bad guys. If Su Gong didn’t appear, I would be miserable."
Say that finish her demon seems to be concerned to vomit incense and tongue.
This remark was half-true, but for Su Mo’s personal experience, he would not doubt it.
And look at Sunday and Ji Yaoxue. Su Mo realized that these two people didn’t know Ji Yaoxue’s legacy!
"You child!"
Some nai shook his head on Sunday.
Ji goblin continued, "After I chased Su Gong’s residence and origin, I wanted my father to reward him heavily, but Su Gong just left me for a long time and didn’t find it."
"Ah, I know!"
Ji goblin showed a sudden color, clapped his hands and laughed. "Father, did you know about this and deliberately found Su Gong to reward him?"
Sunday silent wry smile in my heart.
No matter whether this Su Mo deceives you or slays the imperial army, this man saved his two daughters after all.
The attitude towards Su Mo in the coming Sunday is somewhat complicated, and the mind of slaying is not very firm.
Now it has happened again. Sunday has completely given up killing Su Mo.
But he was worried about another thing.
Sunday eyes in his two daughters and Sue ink three people turned a circle in the heart light sigh.
Think a little Sunday sink. "Smoke son, I have something important to find Su Mo. You haven’t seen your sister for a long time. You two go out first."
"But what about him? It’s hard to see Su Gong. I can’t let him run away again. "
Ji goblin pursed her mouth and put her arms through Su Mo’s arms to hold her tight.
Two soft squeezing arms with a hint of warmth and elasticity Su Mo’s body froze.
Zhou Tiannai said, "Don’t worry, I’ll let him go after a few words with him."
"Thank you, Father"
Ji goblin smiled sweetly and walked to the side, pulling Ji Yaoxue’s small hand and laughing. "Come on, sister, let’s wait outside."
Jiyaoxue nodded.
Since Zhou Tianken said so, Su Mo’s natural life worries Ji Yaoxue and finally she can rest assured.
The two sisters left Tingyuxuan hand in hand.
Chapter three hundred and twenty Don’t understand cheating goblins
"You are also dispersed."
Ji Yaoxue’s two sisters waved on Sunday after listening to Yu Xuan.
Vultures, Bai Yuhan, and a group of imperial guards all bowed down and withdrew from the porch, leaving Sunday and Su Mo.
"Don’t you have no spiritual root practice?"
"Some chances are wrong."
"Who taught you this?"
"Now I am a dimly discernible peak brother."
"The misty peak is very rare."
Sunday nodded.
Dimly discernible peak is one of the five gates, but there has hardly been any severe brother in the refining device.

Tiangang taught the elders, "If the dragon and the emperor fought hard and lost both sides, the ancestors of Emperor’s family didn’t dare to show up, let alone succeed!"

The Yuan Zong teenager looked cold and said, "Be careful, old man. It’s not for you to criticize Mahayana bodhi old zu!"
"You two must quarrel about this little thing."
The man in fenglei temple said simply, "We have come here for something else, so we should join forces with Qi Xin."
"That’s the way it should be."
Jianzong Nvxiu nodded. "I heard that there is another monk living in two temples at the bottom of the buried dragon valley, who is the bodhi old zu Mahayana. If we want to capture the wild martial arts, we must pass him first."
"Ah …"
The Yuan Zong teenager pouted, "What’s so terrible about an old man whose qi and blood are failing and Shou Yuan will be exhausted!"
His words are naturally a double word.
On the surface, it is said that the old monk buried at the bottom of the dragon valley is actually mocking the elders of the plough Sect.
"Jie Jie, you Xianmen like to fight so much, just play a game."
A gloomy smile came from a distance.
Then a dark ShaQi emerge in front of four people into a figure!
The devil teaches great power!
Next to the great power of the underground demon religion, a vague figure appears faintly, and the breath is horrible and extremely dangerous!
Stealing the door is powerful!
In a blink of an eye, it’s already a six-person fit!
Just then, a Buddhist name came.
In the distance, a monk in plain robes paced in the sky, seemingly at a very slow speed, but in a blink of an eye, he has come near!
Xiangsi is powerful!
A breeze blew and sent a faint fragrance, which was very delicious.
But the seven great powers present frowned and looked slightly different, holding their breath!
A coquettish woman came here, dressed in colorful clothes, looking good and smelling good.
If you concentrate on it, you will find that the colorful clothes that women cultivate themselves can actually move!
Poison gate is powerful!
I don’t know how much poison she’s hiding!
The combination of the big super clan door is great!
"Let’s all get to the Liuli Palace in Zhongzhou, which is located in the north area. Why hasn’t anyone arrived recently?" Mix Yuan Zong teenager frown asked.
Poison gate can smile with a charming smile. "I just got a message. It is said that the two statues of Liuli Palace fit together and have bad luck. I don’t know how the strong dragon has been killed by the town!"
The presence of fit power frowned and looked dignified.
Poison gate can say with smile, "You don’t have to worry about hearing that the strong dragon has returned to the valley of dragon bones."
They look a little slow.
"I heard that the bottom of the buried dragon valley is ominous. The friends of the glazed palace are really unlucky. They are unlucky before they arrive. Haha"
Mix Yuan Zong boy smiled.
He was trying to ease the atmosphere and mood.
I didn’t expect this sentence to be finished, but it was a change of look!
The consciousness in everyone’s mind recalls many theories from the bottom of the buried dragon valley.
I heard that there were people who could enter it in those years, but they didn’t come out alive!
"Ladies and gentlemen, since we have arrived here, we can’t go home with our hands."
The man in Fenglei Hall said, "I heard that the old monk who buried the dragon at the bottom of the valley has lost his blood and oil. We don’t have to worry!"
The statue’s powerful body flashes and whizzes past the ruins of Dagan
Almost the blink of an eye has already arrived at the burial dragon valley!
Heavy fog filled the valley where the dragon was buried.
All of them are fit and powerful, and they can operate independently. The eyes are big and generate gives a series of divine lights!
The divine light disappeared into the dense fog and soon disappeared without causing a ripple.
This dense fog is caused by the anger and blood condensation of several powerful people in the catastrophe thousands of years ago, which can block the gods’ knowledge and sight!
"I’m sorry that a benefactor has come all the way, but I’m too old to meet you. I hope you will forgive me."
Just then a sound came from the bottom of the valley.
Chapter one thousand and fifty-four Confrontation!
Someone is buried at the bottom of the dragon valley!
In the past ten thousand years, the theory of burying the dragon valley has emerged one after another
With some strong people entering the dragon valley and never coming to bury the dragon valley again, many mysteries are added.